glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


2024-09-09 - old age sex death
2024-09-08 - end times
2024-09-07 - skin oil
2024-09-06 - the pursuit of enjoyment of God in the beatific vision
2024-09-05 - Jonny
2024-09-05 - the LORD of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion
2024-09-04 - God eternally enjoys and delights in God
2024-09-03 - to gaze upon God
2024-09-02 - put your trust in the LORD
2024-09-01 - thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly
2024-08-31 - are you ready for the journey?
2024-08-30 - a real Nut House
2024-08-29 - the enemies in the Psalms are human enemies
2024-08-28 - a history of Hollywood
2024-08-27 - the man's mind was a perfect rag-bag of useless things
2024-08-26 - life in exile
2024-08-25 - the endless pursuit of participating in the divine life, namely Christ
2024-08-24 - Beauty in Books Tag
2024-08-24 - care of souls
2024-08-23 - full assurance of salvation
2024-08-22 - cow punk
2024-08-21 - Christ's atoning death is the basis on which we pray
2024-08-20 - the cosmic joy of the reign of God
2024-08-20 - the study of holiness
2024-08-20 - Sunday August 18, 2024
2024-08-19 - it will soon be over
2024-08-17 - The Middle East
2024-08-16 - what is the occult? The CIA? The government?
2024-08-15 - Gary Byker Memorial Library Used Books Sale
2024-08-14 - the glow of the Angels
2024-08-13 - love not the world
2024-08-12 - Scripture demands polyphonic interpretation
2024-08-11 - the Red Terror
2024-08-10 - gold metal
2024-08-09 - AAUW Used Books Sale 8/14/2024
2024-08-08 - the armor of God
2024-08-07 - the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels
2024-08-06 - Gateway used books haul
2024-08-06 - grace will lead me home
2024-08-05 - in hell, all reprobate shall pursue one another with a mutual hatred
2024-08-04 - they will kiss the ground as evidence of their enslavement
2024-08-03 - the Christian life
2024-08-02 - a quasi-theological, quasit-apophatic plunging into the unfathomable
2024-08-01 - eternal nature is not temporal nature
2024-07-31 - where does the time go
2024-07-30 - holy war
2024-07-29 - nothing is stable in the whole world
2024-07-28 - a particularly brutal form of intellectual shock therapy
2024-07-28 - we had arrived at humanity's zero hour and history was senseless
2024-07-28 - we had arrived at humanity's zero hour and history was senseless
2024-07-27 - Family Photo from June 2024
2024-07-27 - he spoke of the earth breathing in and out
2024-07-26 - a perfect end
2024-07-25 - slave revolution
2024-07-24 - all there is now
2024-07-23 - a new form of false consciousness
2024-07-23 - a new form of false consciousness
2024-07-22 - sealed my pardon with His blood
2024-07-21 - wash away the stain
2024-07-20 - the destruction of the Babylonian Empire
2024-07-19 - the existence of the soul
2024-07-19 - the existence of the soul
2024-07-18 - a cultural history of consciousness
2024-07-17 - the age of flapper
2024-07-17 - the age of flapper
2024-07-16 - a rejection of vulgar mass culture
2024-07-15 - the coming of the day of God
2024-07-14 - the Euro-Nietzschean war
2024-07-13 - the private experience of desire
2024-07-12 - Jonny
2024-07-12 - the day of the LORD'S wrath
2024-07-12 - the day of the LORD'S wrath
2024-07-11 - the ecstasy the ancients obtained from acts of primitive worship
2024-07-10 - a union with the beyond
2024-07-09 - WMD weapons of massive destruction
2024-07-08 - the doctrine of endless war
2024-07-08 - the doctrine of endless war
2024-07-07 - sought to unlock the wild reaches of the unconscious
2024-07-06 - the cult of cyberspace continues the Gnostic flight from the body
2024-07-05 - pain of consciousness
2024-07-04 - thirst for love
2024-07-03 - he will summon all people to his judgment seat on the last day
2024-07-02 - they asked the necromantic gods of the Gentiles for answers from the dead
2024-07-01 - follow Jesus
2024-06-30 - the Natural Moral Order
2024-06-29 - closed mindedness
2024-06-28 - the troops storm in
2024-06-28 - the troops storm in
2024-06-27 - family
2024-06-26 - the expulsion of Adam from Eden
2024-06-25 - automatic writing
2024-06-24 - paradise
2024-06-23 - TULIP
2024-06-22 - crack your head open and let some light in
2024-06-21 - hot
2024-06-20 - Ice
2024-06-19 - the process of dissolving the mind
2024-06-18 - the obedience of faith
2024-06-17 - rat war
2024-06-16 - these things said Isaiah, when he saw His glory, and spake of Him
2024-06-15 - the holy seed
2024-06-14 - plans for holy war
2024-06-13 - the Fall brought upon mankind the loss of communion with God
2024-06-12 - the fragmentation of his personality had always agitated him
2024-06-11 - the certainty of commonsense
2024-06-10 - form of spiritual life which has its origins in Christ
2024-06-09 - the proletarian short story
2024-06-08 - the book of life
2024-06-07 - the imputation of Adam's sin
2024-06-06 - 0-Day
2024-06-05 - Amyraldianism
2024-06-04 - pop music
2024-06-03 - all sufficient merit shining like the sun
2024-06-02 - before the foundation of the world
2024-06-01 - the idols he shall utterly abolish
2024-06-01 - Jonny
2024-05-31 - June
2024-05-30 - for grace does not remove nature but perfects it
2024-05-29 - walk on the wild side
2024-05-28 - P.O.W.
2024-05-27 - were avowed disciples of the Jacobins
2024-05-26 - the Anselmian idea of the loss of original righteousness
2024-05-25 - the process of salvation
2024-05-24 - the synergistic soteriology of John Cassian
2024-05-23 - the French Revolution
2024-05-22 - the problem of sin
2024-05-21 - mass murder is a side effect of progress in technology
2024-05-20 - Bluestocking Book Shoppe Dollar Bag Sale
2024-05-19 - most of our life is enacted without conscious awareness
2024-05-18 - the saving work of God has its center in union with Christ
2024-05-17 - sealed my pardon with His blood
2024-05-16 - a life of Gospel peace
2024-05-15 - our mind has lost the pure knowledge of God
2024-05-14 - the sensation of selfhood
2024-05-13 - the dehumanizing language of communication
2024-05-12 - German Dialectics
2024-05-11 - an experimental station for world destruction
2024-05-10 - a permanent need for arms in an ever-expanding empire
2024-05-09 - COOL MIND
2024-05-08 - the myth of peaceable Liberal empire
2024-05-07 - the eschatological Israel
2024-05-06 - believed that humans could liberate themselves from death in outer space
2024-05-05 - Jesus revealed himself as the divine saving presence
2024-05-04 - the dead were those who travelled fastest
2024-05-03 - an interpretation of the Secret Teachings
2024-05-02 - telepathic hallucinations of the dead
2024-05-01 - mass credulity in wartime
2024-04-30 - the excellency of the knowledge of Christ
2024-04-29 - a method of tapping into the unconscious
2024-04-28 - for Plato contemplation was the highest form of human activity
2024-04-27 - the dead could contact the living by means of automatic writing
2024-04-26 - the subliminal mind is the primary psychological reality
2024-04-25 - telepathic messages from the dying
2024-04-24 - describe the interior development of the faithful soul seeking God
2024-04-23 - a scientific vision of universal death
2024-04-22 - pure psychic automatism
2024-04-21 - a political utopia proceeds from the perfectibility of mankind
2024-04-20 - the doctrine of eternal life lies hidden in the Scriptures
2024-04-19 - Holy living is the great proof of the reality of Christianity
2024-04-18 - Holy Orders
2024-04-17 - the moon was like a white skull drifting
2024-04-16 - the Bible was not just a story about God, but a story by God
2024-04-15 - Pagan Theology
2024-04-14 - she is a fast ball!
2024-04-13 - harp song for a radical
2024-04-12 - I am the resurrection and the life
2024-04-11 - life in the presence of God in his heavenly kingdom
2024-04-10 - all history is a type of reconstruction of known facts
2024-04-09 - kingdom of rocks
2024-04-08 - a small band of Blackfeet Indians
2024-04-07 - a proleptic apocalypse
2024-04-06 - ye have not the love of God in you
2024-04-05 - melancholic cogitation upon the world
2024-04-04 - Jonny
2024-04-04 - creative idleness
2024-04-03 - the Apocalypse of Adam
2024-04-02 - born under Saturn
2024-04-01 - the counterculture children of the sixties
2024-03-31 - the queer underbelly of the Magic Kingdom
2024-03-30 - used books haul
2024-03-29 - our sight of God will always be progressive
2024-03-28 - Niki de Saint Phalle artist
2024-03-27 - all alone together
2024-03-26 - First Thought Best Thought
2024-03-25 - the manifestations of secrets
2024-03-24 - wait lovingly upon God
2024-03-23 - just don't waste time
2024-03-22 - the more intense a man's faith, the closer is his union with God
2024-03-21 - a choice of evil
2024-03-20 - the reader seeks a fuller meaning
2024-03-19 - the mind is empty
2024-03-17 - why don't you write like you talk?
2024-03-16 - Church history is a story of being "taught by God"
2024-03-15 - abide in emptiness
2024-03-14 - touched by God through the radiant fire of love
2024-03-13 - all the divine persons occupy the same space
2024-03-12 - the Fall of America
2024-03-11 - giving the human spirit an experiential taste of glory
2024-03-09 - the soul called to celestial life by the voice of the Holy Spirit
2024-03-08 - the crisis of Modernism
2024-03-07 - the soul no longer lives or acts of itself
2024-03-07 - she thirsts to be affected toward God almost daily
2024-03-06 - a revelation of glory
2024-03-05 - illumined by his light
2024-03-04 - united to God in holy love
2024-03-03 - a battle cry for rebels
2024-03-02 - Shock Wave
2024-03-01 - an intensely American work in the Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman Edenic tradition
2024-02-29 - to be conformed to the divine
2024-02-28 - a small fragment of time elevated to the level of eternity
2024-02-27 - the fruitful light of divine knowledge
2024-02-26 - the project of literary self-consciousness
2024-02-25 - The Holy Terror
2024-02-24 - we can have no communion with God without a good conscience
2024-02-23 - the erroneous doctrine of Pwho
2024-02-22 - a list of ghosts
2024-02-21 - Big Sur
2024-02-20 - our first parents fell the very same day they were created
2024-02-19 - the pleasures of Art
2024-02-18 - both had turned to books for a way to interpret the world
2024-02-17 - gazing beyond the limits of infinity
2024-02-16 - his preoccupation with internal processes of integration
2024-02-15 - study every day more and more the vanity of the creature
2024-02-14 - Cheap Stacks Used Books Haul
2024-02-13 - his eyes shining with tears of pleasure
2024-02-12 - a crown of bliss in the kingdom of heaven
2024-02-11 - Christ is the express image of the Father and Christians are the express image of Christ
2024-02-10 - when the conscience is pure every sin is hated
2024-02-10 - laying hold on Christ
2024-02-09 - the wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest
2024-02-08 - what a heaven upon earth is a sweet feeling of God's reconciled face
2024-02-07 - His prayers are offered on the altar of His Godhead
2024-02-06 - melancholy horrors
2024-02-05 - fragments from a found notebook
2024-02-04 - a piece of cellophane scraped along the asphalt by the wind
2024-02-03 - used books haul
2024-02-02 - the cause of collective worker liberation from the degradations of capitalism
2024-02-01 - the pathos of distance
2024-01-31 - the lovely madness of artistic enthusiasm
2024-01-30 - Time is precious
2024-01-29 - a Dionysian revolt against repressive civilization
2024-01-28 - I bless thee that thou hast given me the eye of faith
2024-01-27 - The Jet Age
2024-01-26 - we forgot to push the button
2024-01-25 - White House officials went to work for Google
2024-01-25 - -
2024-01-24 - the plebian philosophy of Socrates
2024-01-23 - the demolition of any meaningful distinctions between human and nonhuman nature
2024-01-22 - the human condition
2024-01-21 - the politics of mass movements
2024-01-20 - liberal Spinozism finds the proletariat a hostile threat that must be suppressed
2024-01-19 - horrors of this world
2024-01-18 - The City of Light
2024-01-17 - pickets of striking workers were confronted by thugs brandishing medieval swords
2024-01-16 - it is the glory of Christ that a sinner comes after Him in chains
2024-01-15 - the sound man feels many grudging's diseases, said William Perkins
2024-01-14 - to err is human
2024-01-13 - face the coming Winter storm
2024-01-12 - the First World War was an imperialist war between rival national-capitalist blocs
2024-01-11 - Jesus took upon himself the divine punishment of sin
2024-01-10 - the sanctifying power of Christ's saving blood
2024-01-09 - I come to Thee for rest
2024-01-08 - enter into life and joy!
2024-01-07 - each of us carries his necropolis within him
2024-01-06 - the significance of the hipster
2024-01-04 - to step decisively away from any association with "mass culture"
2024-01-03 - the same Spirit that dwells in Him and in them
2024-01-02 - he does not live to himself, but to Him who died for him and rose again
2024-01-01 - the Spirit of God must reveal these things unto us
2023-12-31 - last day of the Year 2023 Paper Diary
2023-12-31 - the story of Adam is the story of humankind
2023-12-30 - the riches of His mercy to my soul
2023-12-29 - the fruits of the earth belong to us all
2023-12-28 - the end of my rope
2023-12-27 - they may carry their grief of their folly to their graves
2023-12-26 - the dream of reason
2023-12-25 - the folder is empty Merry Christmas
2023-12-24 - to be saved
2023-12-23 - Christ must be plucked out of heaven if the faith is to utterly fall away
2023-12-22 - do not cast pearls before swine
2023-12-21 - greatest duty of piety is the burial of strangers and of the poor
2023-12-20 - a radical history of the world
2023-12-20 - the main burden of war was carried by the peasantry
2023-12-19 - the establishment of a bourgeois republic
2023-12-18 - the Inca Empire of Peru
2023-12-17 - the affections and lusts of the flesh, shall not be in the elect that live in heaven
2023-12-16 - Nature on display
2023-12-15 - the sting of death is sin
2023-12-14 - No metaphoric fire
2023-12-14 - conscience
2023-12-13 - all these painted vanities
2023-12-13 - At the Name of Jesus
2023-12-13 - the glory of the New Jerusalem
2023-12-12 - fired with love's urgent longings
2023-12-11 - The Apostle's Creed
2023-12-10 - myths of total illusion
2023-12-09 - the point of view
2023-12-08 - Jesus' is the instrumental agent of creation
2023-12-07 - O love God, how deep and great!
2023-12-06 - Comprehending the Measureless Love of Christ
2023-12-06 - preaching is the key to the kingdom of heaven
2023-12-06 - Thou Maker And Sustainer Of All Things prayer
2023-12-05 - the right hand of the Father
2023-12-04 - where your treasure is, there will be your heart also
2023-12-03 - one will live by faith
2023-12-02 - East of Eden
2023-12-01 - Jonny
2023-12-01 - what matchless grace
2023-11-30 - modern bullfighting
2023-11-29 - they see Christ crowned with glory and honor
2023-11-28 - Christ and His saints will reign gloriously to all eternity
2023-11-27 - an unknown city, apparently full of cannibals
2023-11-26 - every rational soul is an image of God
2023-11-25 - humanity, glorified, shall shine like the sun
2023-11-24 - the pleasure of the contemplative life
2023-11-23 - Jesus' glorification happened at the Cross
2023-11-22 - the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God
2023-11-21 - the power of Jesus as the power of God to transform lives
2023-11-20 - the end of history
2023-11-19 - the confession of "Jesus is Lord" is the result of the supernatural prompting of the Holy Spirit
2023-11-19 - Rock of Ages a hymn by Augustus Toplady
2023-11-18 - the Spirit of God is connected with judgment
2023-11-17 - all four Gospels are witnesses to the one gospel
2023-11-16 - God's consummation of salvation in the person and life of Jesus
2023-11-15 - the fickle nature of the human heart
2023-11-14 - the excellency of Christ
2023-11-14 - the mystery of faith
2023-11-14 - the eyes of your understanding being enlightened
2023-11-13 - a pure soul
2023-11-13 - Jesus Christ is the only way of life
2023-11-12 - the pure intellect is called the throne of God
2023-11-11 - a strange new world
2023-11-10 - faith changes the heart
2023-11-09 - holiness is necessary to present peace and future glory
2023-11-08 - tooth decay
2023-11-07 - men will never seriously seek after Christ till they see their need of Him
2023-11-06 - many troubles and crosses must be undergone in this world before we can come to enjoy rest and happiness in heaven
2023-11-05 - excessively enlightened by the rays of the divine light
2023-11-04 - filled with a disinterested love
2023-11-03 - God desires the transformation of the mind
2023-11-02 - the final authority of Scripture
2023-11-01 - our home first Winter snow
2023-11-01 - the fundamental pedagogical purpose of the temporal world
2023-10-31 - the enhypostatic illumination in the heart through the Holy Spirit
2023-10-30 - what is your only comfort in life and death?
2023-10-30 - Reformation Day
2023-10-29 - man is by nature unable to want God to be God
2023-10-28 - shall reign together with Christ in both soul and body for eternity
2023-10-28 - shall reign together with Christ in both soul and body for eternity
2023-10-27 - No Wave
2023-10-26 - He manifested His love to thee
2023-10-26 - the temple of the Faithful
2023-10-26 - One Dollar
2023-10-25 - the nervousness that came with being under mass scrutiny
2023-10-24 - the pilgrimage for understanding begins and ends with faith
2023-10-23 - dispose themselves for the infusion of grace
2023-10-22 - to delight in God
2023-10-21 - the right doctrine to shape the right reading of Scripture
2023-10-20 - supernatural operations in the soul
2023-10-20 - the dwelling of Jesus Christ in our heart
2023-10-19 - I love in the infinite being of God
2023-10-18 - it all adds up
2023-10-17 - classifying people according to their capacity to read Scripture literally, morally, or spiritually
2023-10-16 - the whole armor of God
2023-10-15 - Saint Elmo's Fire
2023-10-14 - the indispensable hermeneutical key is the rule of faith
2023-10-13 - a kiss of death
2023-10-12 - the blind eats many a fly
2023-10-11 - for the kingdom of David is perpetual in Christ
2023-10-11 - the way of the Spirit of God in the hearts of men
2023-10-10 - the bourgeois epic
2023-10-09 - the God of the Beyond
2023-10-08 - Jonny
2023-10-08 - YHWH holds a Trinitarian Plurality
2023-10-07 - the special object of saving faith is the free promise of grace in Christ Jesus
2023-10-06 - He shines through the Word in all His glory
2023-10-05 - "some of my time now given to nothingess"
2023-10-04 - Flag poster Jasper Johns
2023-10-03 - conscience with be with the ungodly in Hell to all Eternity
2023-10-02 - a heaven or hell upon earth
2023-10-02 - a heaven or hell upon earth
2023-10-02 - none but Christ
2023-10-01 - a good tree can not bring forth evil fruit
2023-09-29 - regeneration is a sure evidence of election
2023-09-28 - the fullness of the world compared to the fullness of Christ is nothing
2023-09-27 - the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining
2023-09-26 - a celestial birth
2023-09-26 - Christ the Fountain of Life
2023-09-25 - fixes him a state of eternal life in Christ
2023-09-24 - the wonders of His love
2023-09-23 - God will recover us by repentance
2023-09-22 - we die with Him
2023-09-21 - the assaults of Satan
2023-09-20 - Four Noble Truths
2023-09-19 - freedom from endless rebirth
2023-09-18 - tis life eternal to know God and eternal death not to know Him
2023-09-17 - sink or swim
2023-09-16 - soccer game
2023-09-15 - Christ takes the saints into His own glory
2023-09-14 - Mission COMMITTEE ON POETRY [Charter statement]
2023-09-14 - the good times did not last
2023-09-13 - we're in the sublime
2023-09-13 - True Faith
2023-09-12 - song of wrath
2023-09-11 - he alone truly prizes Christ's fullness who feels his own emptiness
2023-09-10 - Jonny
2023-09-10 - hold my hand
2023-09-09 - the Black Act
2023-09-08 - we desperately need a revolution of consciousness
2023-09-07 - Christ alone satisfies
2023-09-06 - the theological life is sustained by the gifts of the Holy Spirit
2023-09-05 - the glories of adoption
2023-09-04 - the enlightenment of the Gentiles
2023-09-03 - Christ our Passover
2023-09-02 - the heart of the Gospel
2023-09-01 - I am the Vine
2023-09-01 - Psalm 37
2023-08-31 - has given me spiritual perception
2023-08-30 - the real lowdown
2023-08-29 - Life in the Son
2023-08-28 - a form of culture shock
2023-08-27 - DO NOT TOUCH!
2023-08-26 - the interior movement of grace
2023-08-25 - there is the indolent oblivion of the lotus eaters
2023-08-24 - a process of radicalization
2023-08-23 - the soul which is not divorced from the world cannot marry Christ
2023-08-22 - a new heaven and a new earth
2023-08-21 - the history of the world
2023-08-20 - the theological life is first of all a transformed life
2023-08-19 - a theory of being
2023-08-18 - crossing over
2023-08-17 - the house of the dead
2023-08-16 - For Sale
2023-08-15 - the fall of the Soviet Union
2023-08-14 - the main act of faith is to unite Christ and the believer together
2023-08-13 - cause Your face to shine
2023-08-12 - Jonny
2023-08-12 - the supreme cause of Christ's death was God
2023-08-11 - the tyranny of Ivan the Terrible
2023-08-10 - the theological life
2023-08-09 - to partake in an authentic spiritual communion one must be in a state of grace
2023-08-08 - the submersion by fire of the Pentapolis
2023-08-07 - the elect will live with God
2023-08-06 - 100 Facts Revised August 2023
2023-08-05 - the stillness of the mind
2023-08-04 - redeeming the time, because the days are evil
2023-08-03 - the fornicators against God will be destroyed
2023-08-02 - The Secret Service
2023-08-01 - the voice of class struggle
2023-07-31 - we must strive against the temptations of Satan
2023-07-30 - rest not in general faith
2023-07-30 - rest not in general faith
2023-07-29 - baptism is the ordinary sacrament of the introduction into the covenant of grace
2023-07-27 - anywhere but there
2023-07-26 - we are children of God through the grace of regeneration
2023-07-26 - Time Line
2023-07-25 - the alienation of the artist
2023-07-24 - blest are the men of broken heart
2023-07-23 - take heed of resting in a general faith of assent
2023-07-22 - the loss of tranquility
2023-07-21 - I long for nothing but Thyself
2023-07-21 - the deeper the Mediator humbled himself for us, it urges us to lift him up higher
2023-07-20 - he would be made a curse for cursed sinners (Gal. 3:10,13)
2023-07-19 - talk about a dream
2023-07-18 - The Yellow Book
2023-07-17 - the realism of Christian Platonism
2023-07-16 - the election of grace
2023-07-14 - the Naturalist school
2023-07-13 - delight in beauty
2023-07-12 - I Believe In The Holy Ghost
2023-07-08 - O Lord Jesus, come to me
2023-07-08 - unorganized religion
2023-07-07 - I walk with the King
2023-07-06 - God has spoken
2023-07-05 - application already exists in the historical embeddedness of the text
2023-07-04 - human knowledge is historically conditioned
2023-07-03 - Death Valley
2023-07-02 - skin waving goodbye
2023-07-01 - black star
2023-06-30 - there is no mention of any third temple in the Scriptures
2023-06-29 - Fullness In Christ
2023-06-29 - the world to come
2023-06-28 - the problematization of the very idea of pastness
2023-06-27 - I love the Lord who heard my cry
2023-06-26 - the primacy of grace
2023-06-25 - he reminded them that even free will is predestined by God
2023-06-24 - the West
2023-06-24 - Gospel Invitation
2023-06-24 - had we followed the forebodings of our consciences, we could not have approached Thee
2023-06-22 - they will live and die like atheists
2023-06-21 - crowns of joy laid up in Heaven
2023-06-20 - Sibbes said that we must show that we treasure the indwelling power of the Spirit
2023-06-19 - LORD OF ALL BEING
2023-06-19 - American Fun
2023-06-18 - they are His desires that breed their desires
2023-06-18 - bow the knee of our heart to Him
2023-06-18 - GOD ENJOYED
2023-06-17 - the dogmatic part
2023-06-16 - a street with no name
2023-06-15 - talk about a dream
2023-06-14 - Acid Tests
2023-06-14 - Paul Tripp's Wednesday Word
2023-06-12 - the presence of Christ that we desire a further presence and communion with Him
2023-06-11 - a true portrayal of transcendent reality
2023-06-10 - secure me by thy grace as I sail across this stormy sea
2023-06-09 - the eternal pre-ordination of the Lamb that would be slain for us in the fullness of time
2023-06-08 - the light in which God dwells is so dazzling that it can be experienced only as darkness
2023-06-07 - the light of God on the mind
2023-06-06 - everywhere the ill winds blow
2023-06-05 - Jonny
2023-06-05 - The Council of Trent
2023-06-04 - to love someone is to know that one day you'll have to watch them break
2023-06-03 - the spiritual man discerns all things
2023-06-02 - creation means that God almighty produced the world from nothing
2023-06-01 - the world
2023-06-01 - we must seek the thing that are above
2023-05-31 - total war
2023-05-30 - divine things aim to divinize
2023-05-29 - a transformation into God that is never-ending
2023-05-28 - intellectual regeneration
2023-05-27 - a holy soul is reshaped to the image of the Trinity
2023-05-26 - all the books will be burned up on the Day of Judgment
2023-05-25 - The Fruitport District Public Library Used Books Sale
2023-05-24 - if we are unceasing sanctified we "attain God"
2023-05-23 - ecstatic wanderings on hashish
2023-05-22 - authentic intimacy requires total giving
2023-05-21 - a direct vision of the divine essence is impossible for man
2023-05-20 - contemplation takes us into the silence of God
2023-05-19 - His cross is my glory
2023-05-18 - the spiritual sense of Scripture
2023-05-17 - the collective unconscious
2023-05-16 - a history of bombing
2023-05-15 - justification by faith alone
2023-05-14 - the danger of human presumption
2023-05-13 - in contemplation, the soul feels the delight of the Word's caresses
2023-05-12 - don't look back
2023-05-11 - the blossoming of the spiritual senses is the fruit of purification
2023-05-10 - one who loves remains in God, and God in him
2023-05-09 - opening up his deep inner self to the Divine Light
2023-05-08 - a fine bogy tale
2023-05-07 - human beings are saved through a participatory or real sharing in Christ
2023-05-06 - the sublime reality of perfection
2023-05-05 - It is gone!
2023-05-04 - humans continue to exist as digital souls
2023-05-03 - to know God the soul must become pure
2023-05-02 - human nature requires communion with the divine nature in order to be complete
2023-05-01 - the ancient prophetic tradition
2023-04-30 - epistemological onslaught of modernity
2023-04-29 - the wandering mind
2023-04-28 - the ethics of self-control
2023-04-27 - ecclesial recognition of the mind of Scripture
2023-04-26 - the mystagogical telos of Scripture
2023-04-25 - loss of identity
2023-04-24 - desiring the One
2023-04-23 - Christ connects us to the God who is beyond time
2023-04-23 - Where you there?
2023-04-22 - swan song
2023-04-21 - Christ is a sweet smell
2023-04-20 - the last hurrah
2023-04-19 - the making of the modern mind
2023-04-18 - the globalization of evil
2023-04-17 - the Gardens of Persia
2023-04-16 - the unfinished novel
2023-04-15 - the secret chambers of the soul
2023-04-14 - Jonny
2023-04-14 - a new start in life
2023-04-13 - there is a reviving and quickening virtue in the resurrection of Christ
2023-04-12 - wild life
2023-04-11 - a world of strangers
2023-04-10 - the quest for Timbuktu
2023-04-09 - the joy of the resurrection life
2023-04-09 - how I became a hooligan
2023-04-08 - the mystical silence associated with the highest levels of revelation
2023-04-07 - Come to Calvary's holy mountain
2023-04-06 - a progressive awareness of the presence of God in the soul
2023-04-05 - The Harvard Lampoon
2023-04-04 - Jesus as "Son of God" represents his people so that they can become sons of God
2023-04-03 - American Indian Movment
2023-04-02 - we do not know how to pronounce the divine name
2023-04-01 - the mystic circle of the mind
2023-04-01 - Jonny
2023-03-31 - reunion of all things in Christ
2023-03-30 - the madness of the common herd
2023-03-29 - the unfolding of the history of redemption
2023-03-28 - The Great Tribulation
2023-03-27 - the coming new creation
2023-03-26 - and being and nonbeing will last as long as eternity
2023-03-25 - the mirror of the soul
2023-03-24 - the Paleozoic era
2023-03-23 - union with Christ entails a vital living relationship with Christ
2023-03-23 - What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
2023-03-22 - the vision of the heavenly wonders
2023-03-21 - the sound of silence a song by Paul Simon
2023-03-21 - actively dying
2023-03-21 - opening the gate of glory
2023-03-20 - natural revelation & Natural Theology
2023-03-19 - we do not know much about the inner life of the Trinity
2023-03-18 - the transfiguration of the soul in Jesus Christ
2023-03-17 - he entered the inner sanctuary of the divine mystical doctrine
2023-03-16 - the knowledge of hidden things
2023-03-15 - Calvinism
2023-03-14 - end of life event
2023-03-13 - the story of a vagabond
2023-03-12 - a commentary on the modern novel
2023-03-11 - the Primal Cause
2023-03-10 - Spain
2023-03-09 - saving love revealed in Christ
2023-03-08 - the procession of the Holy Spirit
2023-03-07 - the order of salvation
2023-03-06 - essential act of historical recovery
2023-03-05 - the riches food remains unseen
2023-03-05 - union with Christ
2023-03-04 - the Pill
2023-03-03 - POP ART
2023-03-02 - The Black World
2023-03-01 - Punk Rock
2023-02-28 - participating in the Logos
2023-02-27 - the Spirit is the source of the new creation
2023-02-26 - love held my burning heart
2023-02-25 - the removal of the inward darkness of our minds
2023-02-24 - fall not asleep in Deliah's lap
2023-02-23 - the inward experience of grace
2023-02-22 - the inbred principle of natural light
2023-02-21 - the mind must be regenerated
2023-02-20 - for our God is a consuming fire
2023-02-19 - the Order of the Red Man
2023-02-18 - The New Deal
2023-02-17 - Black Holes
2023-02-16 - Used Book Sale
2023-02-15 - the position of esthetic anti-illusionism
2023-02-14 - the illusory security of state control
2023-02-13 - weapons of mass communication
2023-02-12 - history has no real-world object
2023-02-11 - only God can liberate us from ourselves
2023-02-10 - the metaphysics of Surrealism
2023-02-09 - groaning for a lively faith is to God a prayer made in lively faith
2023-02-08 - there is no meaning on Mars
2023-02-07 - the free world
2023-02-06 - the perilous exegetical practices of chariot mysticism
2023-02-05 - old diary entry September 19, 2003 Family
2023-02-05 - it must needs follow that we are lost in ourselves
2023-02-05 - God Himself is light
2023-02-04 - an associative dream logic
2023-02-03 - madmen in revolt
2023-02-02 - human beings are by nature are children of wrath
2023-02-01 - nowhere man
2023-01-31 - Jonny
2023-01-31 - 16,000 operational German machine guns on the Western Front
2023-01-30 - union of flesh
2023-01-29 - the mucilage of the underground dead
2023-01-28 - the smoke of sanctification must rise from the fire of grace
2023-01-27 - the kingdom of grace
2023-01-26 - explained conversion "as a progression of inner states"
2023-01-25 - incorporated into the mystical body of Christ
2023-01-24 - verbal plenary conception of inspiration
2023-01-23 - Vile and full of sin I am ; Thou art full of truth and and grace
2023-01-22 - the Augustinian taxonomy of the "four states of man" (creation, fallen, redeemed, glorified)
2023-01-21 - the experience of salvation
2023-01-20 - the eternal rule of Christ
2023-01-19 - the dangers of mass society
2023-01-18 - God knows the end from the beginning
2023-01-17 - walk each step as my final one
2023-01-16 - he should desire to journey to God by unknowing
2023-01-15 - the soul must also be pure and simple, unlimited and unattached to any particular knowledge
2023-01-14 - cannot resist the supernatural infusions
2023-01-13 - lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God
2023-01-12 - blood bath
2023-01-11 - did not chose the fear of the LORD
2023-01-10 - a holy despair
2023-01-10 - divine teaching as an indivisible work of the whole Trinity
2023-01-09 - Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come
2023-01-08 - men loved darkness rather than light
2023-01-07 - the higher and more sublime the divine light, the darker it is to our intellect
2023-01-06 - perfect transformation is impossible without perfect purity
2023-01-05 - the ladder of faith
2023-01-04 - give not that which is holy to the dogs
2023-01-04 - he must cast out the strange gods, all alien affections and attachments
2023-01-03 - the door of mercy shut
2023-01-02 - Christ alone can open the door
2023-01-01 - regeneration of a person by grace produces a completely new spiritual man
2022-12-31 - intellectual miracle
2022-12-30 - the internal teaching of Christ
2022-12-29 - purgation is thus followed by spiritual illumination
2022-12-29 - ignorance of the Trinity is ignorance of the gospel
2022-12-28 - the members of the church are only people who have been saved by faith in Christ
2022-12-27 - divine mercy
2022-12-26 - to direct men to come unto the enjoyment of God
2022-12-24 - Christ as a godly man had an intense desire to glorify His Father
2022-12-23 - Jesus is the divine Son of God because angels worship him
2022-12-22 - The Magisterium
2022-12-21 - Hell is not Hollywood
2022-12-20 - the Word is offspring from the essence of the Father
2022-12-19 - the process of dehumanization was most acute
2022-12-17 - the fall of Nero
2022-12-16 - the mind of God as revealed in Scripture
2022-12-15 - archetypal theology is identical with the divine essence
2022-12-14 - doctrine of the inner light seemed to destroy the need for Scripture as revelation
2022-12-13 - God has no end
2022-12-12 - working-class internationalism
2022-12-11 - frequent religious acts strengthen habits of grace
2022-12-10 - the whole process of Christic prayer is a gradual transformation into a Godlikeness
2022-12-09 - the dark night
2022-12-09 - New Humanism
2022-12-08 - the New York City intellectuals
2022-12-07 - grace never fails in those whom God has destined for salvation
2022-12-06 - self-denial is the heart of all gospel grace
2022-12-05 - the last utopians
2022-12-04 - we should manage our hearts so, as if we had a view of God in his heavenly glory
2022-12-03 - for by the Spirit we were baptized into the death of Christ
2022-12-02 - the love of God
2022-12-01 - if we understand the amiableness of God, our affection will be ravished
2022-12-01 - December 2022 Paper Diary page 1114
2022-11-30 - the sanctifying ministry of the Holy Spirit
2022-11-29 - beholding the glory of his attributes in the Redeemer
2022-11-28 - the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux
2022-11-27 - He inhabits inaccessible light
2022-11-26 - the Spirit is not to be known apart from Christ
2022-11-25 - profane beauty
2022-11-24 - the blessed hope
2022-11-23 - God is a Spirit
2022-11-22 - last rite
2022-11-22 - Love divine, all loves excelling
2022-11-21 - French Resistance
2022-11-20 - he rejoiced in a heavenly sense of spiritual independence
2022-11-19 - be not conformed to this world
2022-11-18 - the glory of God in reflection upon Moses's face scared the Israelites
2022-11-17 - man would make anything his end or happiness rather than God
2022-11-16 - the redemption of humanity is an act of the eternal Trinity
2022-11-16 - Jonny
2022-11-15 - God had enlightened him with a new kind of illumination
2022-11-14 - sacra doctrina
2022-11-13 - the relationship between law and gospel
2022-11-12 - let us run with patience the race that is set before us
2022-11-11 - peace like a river is flooding my soul
2022-11-10 - the industrial enslavement of matter
2022-11-10 - The Biblical-Theological
2022-11-09 - that dreadful day
2022-11-08 - the Covenant of Nature
2022-11-07 - the love of God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit
2022-11-07 - the design of the Atonement
2022-11-06 - the internal testimony of the Spirit
2022-11-05 - Revival trailer
2022-11-05 - he who loves pleasure more than God, says in his heart that there is no god but his pleasure
2022-11-04 - Teach me the measure of my days
2022-11-04 - the revelation of God is also the revelation of man
2022-11-03 - Jesus! what a Friend for sinners!
2022-11-03 - perfecting the fire of divine love
2022-11-02 - flee fornication
2022-11-01 - Christians are not under law but under grace
2022-10-31 - Reformation Day
2022-10-30 - flesh was for the godhead of self, and Spirit fights for the Godhead of God
2022-10-29 - dirty bomb
2022-10-28 - the intellectual vision of the divine substance is called the 'light of glory'
2022-10-28 - the rebellious dwell in a dry land
2022-10-27 - many have the knowledge of God who have no delight in him or his will
2022-10-26 - unmasked the gospel hypocrite who relied on works rather than on grace
2022-10-26 - men naturally delight to be without God
2022-10-25 - the chaos of the world
2022-10-24 - the invention of the self
2022-10-23 - the leprosy of atheism had infected the whole mass of human nature
2022-10-22 - the American Sublime
2022-10-21 - God structures Reality
2022-10-20 - because of their iniquities committed against Christ, they were humiliated, oppressed, and cast down
2022-10-20 - O return ye unto God
2022-10-20 - I shall be satisfied when your glory shall appear
2022-10-19 - Come, ye weary sinners, come, all who groan beneath your load
2022-10-19 - The Bible is the Word of God. The church is the body of Christ
2022-10-18 - the blood of Christ shall never fail
2022-10-17 - we are nothing but memories
2022-10-16 - man finds no sure reliance, no peace, apart from Thee
2022-10-15 - but be filled with the Holy Spirit
2022-10-14 - let us always endeavor to advance in the divine love
2022-10-13 - for Christ vanquished the devil and redeemed the world by divine power
2022-10-12 - we behold the unsearchable riches of Christ
2022-10-11 - Cheap Stack Used Books Haul
2022-10-10 - it is a sign of great love to exalt in the praise of God
2022-10-09 - they shall be a portion for foxes
2022-10-08 - theology is taught by God, teaches of God and leads to God
2022-10-07 - may we judge of our union with Him, by our being new creatures
2022-10-06 - create in us also a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us
2022-10-05 - you live in a crowd-but you must die alone
2022-10-04 - the Christian life is one of perpetual spiritual conflict
2022-10-03 - the punk community
2022-10-02 - the Gentiles will be converted to Christ in the sixth and last age
2022-10-01 - may our meditations of Thee be sweet
2022-09-30 - all our life is spent wandering around our grave
2022-09-29 - The Western Canon Tag
2022-09-29 - two schools of thought, the Neptunist and the Vulcanist
2022-09-28 - go along with him from the city of destruction to the shining city
2022-09-27 - for they are now deprived of the light of grace will also, in the future, be deprived of the light of glory
2022-09-26 - the soul finds itself with the vehement passion of Divine love
2022-09-26 - may my life be steeped in prayer
2022-09-25 - to move to the heart of anarchist individualism
2022-09-24 - my heart is fixed, O God
2022-09-23 - the Green World
2022-09-22 - let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell
2022-09-21 - Jonny
2022-09-21 - the nearer we come to God, the more rottenness we find in our bones
2022-09-20 - How shall the young direct their way?
2022-09-20 - memory and fantasy are interchangeable
2022-09-19 - the monster came to dinner
2022-09-18 - all who sin knowingly love evil more than they do the good
2022-09-17 - man's flight to God is by a Divine motion
2022-09-16 - so he stayed at home and fought Copperheads and mealymouthed patriots with his fists
2022-09-15 - God loveth a cheerful giver
2022-09-14 - the transmission of original sin
2022-09-13 - how wonderful it was to love something without the compromise of language
2022-09-12 - an endless pursuit of perfection
2022-09-11 - direct upon us, O Lord, eyes of mercy
2022-09-10 - the gospel
2022-09-09 - The Smart Set
2022-09-09 - The Smart Set
2022-09-08 - he adores and prostrates himself at the ripped sneakers of the Beatniks
2022-09-07 - A Book Nook Used Books Haul
2022-09-07 - the fall of the mystic Babylon
2022-09-06 - Beckettian attempt to come to grips with the void
2022-09-05 - my life as writer means
2022-09-05 - the intellect is the seed-plot of spiritual procreation
2022-09-04 - true repentance
2022-09-03 - the first name of God is good
2022-09-02 - jazz
2022-09-01 - the beatitude of my created intellect
2022-08-31 - The Forbidden Zone
2022-08-30 - Christ the fountain
2022-08-29 - Schopenhauerian pessimism
2022-08-27 - hiking like a Chinese Saint to Nowhere for no reason
2022-08-27 - my soul thirsteth for God
2022-08-26 - Vienna
2022-08-26 - a whole world in which language mirrors a desolation of the spirit
2022-08-25 - rejoice in purity of conscience
2022-08-25 - forbids sexual immorality of all kinds
2022-08-24 - The Cosmic Tree
2022-08-23 - the joyful spirit of the mystic
2022-08-22 - the death of words
2022-08-21 - it behooves us to fear the divine judgment
2022-08-20 - need to whistle in the graveyard
2022-08-19 - Monas Hieroglyphica
2022-08-18 - the Divine Concurrence
2022-08-17 - Jonny
2022-08-17 - this secret wisdom is likewise a ladder
2022-08-17 - union with God
2022-08-16 - between the finite and the infinite there exists no proportion
2022-08-15 - the ministry of reconciliation
2022-08-15 - the Universe is a great Book
2022-08-14 - death camp
2022-08-13 - family pizza
2022-08-12 - Time to say farewell
2022-08-11 - the perfection of grace
2022-08-10 - great works of Art
2022-08-09 - the glory of the new covenant
2022-08-08 - One died for all
2022-08-07 - but were consumed in our own wickedness
2022-08-07 - the glory of our future happiness
2022-08-06 - the way to glory is by following Christ
2022-08-06 - the living God
2022-08-05 - denunciation of the physical
2022-08-04 - bone crushing
2022-08-03 - the importance of freedom
2022-08-02 - God alone brings into the world the light of divine knowledge
2022-08-01 - making the viewer self-conscious
2022-07-31 - you must spurn delights of the flesh if you long for spiritual delights
2022-07-30 - the great Easter mountain
2022-07-29 - Ecclesia Magna
2022-07-28 - the Gospel shines forth God's glory
2022-07-27 - a photo of our daughter Bethany and her husband Andy taken June 2010
2022-07-27 - Gospel Assurance
2022-07-26 - killing remaining sin
2022-07-26 - seeing Christ resurrected from the dead, victorious over sin, death, Satan, and hell
2022-07-25 - confessional poetry
2022-07-24 - nothing is worth doing
2022-07-23 - the birth of America
2022-07-22 - Babylon
2022-07-21 - Man's chief end is to enjoy God for ever
2022-07-21 - the Lord keeps all their bones
2022-07-20 - Verbo Domini
2022-07-20 - "O taste and see that the LORD is sweet: blessed is the man that hopes in him" Psalm 34:9
2022-07-19 - Friends of the Library Used Books Sale 07/19/2022
2022-07-18 - Peace like a river is flooding my soul
2022-07-18 - stone-worship is the oldest of all religions
2022-07-17 - active love of the Godhead
2022-07-16 - the Divine Office
2022-07-15 - the Anabaptists
2022-07-14 - O the deep, deep love of Jesus!
2022-07-14 - in providence all the Persons of the Trinity operate
2022-07-13 - ghost story
2022-07-13 - Jonny
2022-07-12 - the crisis of modern consciousness
2022-07-11 - the Monticello slave community
2022-07-10 - Council House Slaughter
2022-07-09 - the Battle of Ojo Caliente
2022-07-08 - the Indian Removal Act of 1830
2022-07-07 - a state of instinctive unity with the universe
2022-07-06 - Yippies
2022-07-05 - Folk Rock
2022-07-04 - A Fourth of July Used Books Sale
2022-07-03 - the Sedition Act of 1798
2022-07-02 - people are lost without the Gospel
2022-07-02 - Jesus, lover of my soul
2022-07-01 - Theseus goes to Delos and performs the dance of the cranes
2022-06-30 - we Trollopeans are too sophisticated to laugh aloud
2022-06-29 - the beauty of the Christian gospel
2022-06-28 - God is a perfect moral being
2022-06-27 - to prepare American people for the wilderness
2022-06-26 - the fall of the angels preceded the fall of man
2022-06-25 - the New Left
2022-06-24 - a passion for books
2022-06-23 - contemplatives concern themselves only with the kingdom of God
2022-06-22 - they behold the face of God
2022-06-21 - don't wander off the road
2022-06-20 - the organization man
2022-06-19 - and endeavor to view things now, as they will appear from the borders of the grave
2022-06-18 - hell is empty of all blessedness and packed full of all misery
2022-06-17 - king of the proletarian writers
2022-06-16 - the God of our salvation
2022-06-15 - the supernatural end is the glory of God
2022-06-14 - the feast of Saint Dismas (the good thief)
2022-06-13 - the betterment of the race
2022-06-12 - the instantaneousness of the work of conversion
2022-06-12 - true saving grace
2022-06-11 - the essential texts of English Malthusians
2022-06-10 - We we believe in one God, the Father Almighty
2022-06-10 - the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed
2022-06-09 - Edward's doctrine of special grace as participation in divine fullness
2022-06-08 - the liberal mind
2022-06-07 - Satan has a kingdom in wicked men's hearts
2022-06-06 - limited government
2022-06-05 - hidden joys of Paradise
2022-06-04 - Chicago
2022-06-03 - The Great Plains
2022-06-02 - spiritual knowledge transforms the heart
2022-06-01 - the fountain of living waters
2022-05-31 - the life of a godly man is a life full of conflicts
2022-05-31 - the pursuit of happiness
2022-05-30 - Jonny & Carol
2022-05-30 - the hill of Calvary
2022-05-30 - World Trade Center
2022-05-29 - the spiritual emptiness of the sons of the pioneers
2022-05-28 - "Triclavianism"
2022-05-27 - father wound
2022-05-26 - American mass culture
2022-05-26 - the mystery of the cross
2022-05-25 - masters of war
2022-05-24 - Scripture regards the world as one great organic whole
2022-05-23 - the ambiguities of human nature
2022-05-22 - a godly man has a spirit to desire perfect holiness
2022-05-21 - the historical development of Christianity
2022-05-20 - what a Canaan of rest, a land flowing with milk and honey
2022-05-20 - we have forgotten how to confess
2022-05-19 - the self poised between a brief temporal existence and an eternal hereafter
2022-05-19 - love is a holy fire in him
2022-05-18 - kind of blue
2022-05-18 - Jonny
2022-05-17 - a tale of utopian dreamers
2022-05-16 - the Golden West
2022-05-15 - the Battle of Bunker Hill
2022-05-14 - the "Historia scholastica" suggests that the Cross was fifteen feet long
2022-05-13 - Jeffersonian progressivism
2022-05-12 - cover my sins with the scarlet robe of charity
2022-05-11 - the angels in heaven do nothing except love You
2022-05-10 - then they will see the heavenly king in his beauty and their love will be satisfied
2022-05-09 - love for God can so increase we will not feel death
2022-05-08 - the sleep of contemplation where you provide the breast of God for a pillow
2022-05-07 - find their rest in the blood of Christ
2022-05-06 - seeing God through clear vision
2022-05-05 - worldly love
2022-05-05 - the taste of holy
2022-05-04 - another used books haul
2022-05-03 - the whole complex of existence
2022-05-02 - the exhausted smell of a creature
2022-05-01 - if you practice recollection , eventually you will lose desire for food
2022-04-30 - unceasing emptying of the heart
2022-04-29 - there is no place for inward delights to dwell when the mind is captivated by outward delights
2022-04-28 - the Order of the White Eagle
2022-04-27 - a perfect silence in the heart
2022-04-26 - today is the day of salvation
2022-04-26 - lost and found
2022-04-25 - we are to be judged as to the state in which we fall asleep
2022-04-24 - once devotion is attained, words should cease
2022-04-23 - take down
2022-04-23 - the soul is united with the Bridegroom in love and in love sighs for the sweetness of him
2022-04-22 - the love of God is never idle
2022-04-21 - Siberian exile under the Tsars
2022-04-20 - true lovers must desire suffering no less than union with God
2022-04-19 - he opens the door and refreshes them in the banquet of his grace
2022-04-18 - The Peloponnesian War
2022-04-17 - Jesus Christ has risen today
2022-04-16 - this is my blood of the new testament
2022-04-15 - Jonny
2022-04-15 - The Death Penalty
2022-04-14 - liberty cap mushrooms
2022-04-13 - The Oxford Movement
2022-04-12 - "He who humbles himself will be exalted"
2022-04-11 - he was come from God, and went to God
2022-04-10 - the narrow gate
2022-04-09 - you must not assume that the sun shines only in your cell
2022-04-08 - The Art of Living
2022-04-07 - I strain for a lunar arrogance
2022-04-06 - the final purpose of the Passion is eternal glory
2022-04-05 - the blessings of liberty
2022-04-04 - God does not bestow the peace of eternity before peace of heart
2022-04-03 - the indwelling activity of the Holy Spirit
2022-04-02 - those who desired darkness will be forced to suffer darkness
2022-04-01 - the Habsburg Empire
2022-03-31 - the time for the Bridegroom is near
2022-03-29 - propaganda and empire
2022-03-28 - cramp words
2022-03-27 - cold cook
2022-03-26 - dismal ditty
2022-03-25 - Eternity Box
2022-03-24 - Flying Camps
2022-03-23 - the doctrine of reprobation
2022-03-22 - the clinical death of Lenin
2022-03-21 - war
2022-03-20 - the Russians are on a mission of genocide in Ukraine
2022-03-19 - What Is The World To Me
2022-03-19 - to have Christ is to have the Spirit
2022-03-18 - the tribulations that will accompany the end of the world
2022-03-17 - God's glory in Christ shines by the Spirit in the believer's heart
2022-03-16 - the passions of Christ
2022-03-15 - no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper
2022-03-14 - The National Security State
2022-03-13 - we are elected not from faith and works, but to faith and sanctification
2022-03-12 - reflect on the shortness of life and uncertainty of the moment of death
2022-03-12 - some signs that will precede the Day of Judgment
2022-03-11 - God hides in the secret recesses of the heart
2022-03-10 - God gives the soul spiritual pleasure as a promise of future glory
2022-03-09 - the Lord grants a taste of eternal life to special friends
2022-03-08 - let us give thanks to God
2022-03-07 - the doctrine of original sin
2022-03-06 - OF HOLINESS
2022-03-06 - what I have been reading lately
2022-03-05 - there are different degrees of happiness in heaven
2022-03-04 - universalism is false
2022-03-03 - the pleasures of communion with God
2022-03-03 - the hope of resurrected life on the new earth
2022-03-02 - the prayer of quiet
2022-03-01 - sin is a failure to glorify God
2022-02-28 - pray for world peace
2022-02-27 - the church is a new humanity
2022-02-26 - Jonny
2022-02-26 - no one in Christ is a slave of sin
2022-02-25 - why can't we live together
2022-02-24 - the glory of God is now being displayed
2022-02-23 - the whole earth is full of his glory
2022-02-22 - the essence of all true religion lies in holy love
2022-02-21 - for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched
2022-02-20 - no part of our lives is enslaved to sin if we are in union with Christ
2022-02-19 - God knows our hearts
2022-02-18 - Christ's crucifixion has decidesly separated us from the controlling power of sin and this world
2022-02-17 - the restoration of God's image links sanctification to glorification
2022-02-16 - Gregory says that the virginal womb was a bridal chamber
2022-02-15 - adoption by God is not by creation but by covenant
2022-02-14 - He is the bread of life
2022-02-13 - my refuge and support was in contemplation of the heavenly state
2022-02-12 - incessant preaching becomes meaningless
2022-02-11 - tears are unspoken words
2022-02-10 - we shall triumph when the world is in a blaze
2022-02-09 - the Son represents the divine light and the Spirit the divine heat, the knowledge and love of God
2022-02-08 - the greatness of God's goodness to mankind, and to the Church
2022-02-08 - communicating a living knowledge of the mystery of God
2022-02-07 - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
2022-02-06 - the Holy Ghost is the fullness and riches of the Godhead
2022-02-05 - there is no room for autonomy in created existence
2022-02-04 - Christ the Lord is risen today
2022-02-03 - God upholds the natural world by his continuous creation
2022-02-03 - God upholds the natural world by his continuous creation
2022-02-02 - the central gift of grace is the divine fullness
2022-02-01 - a man can not be guided by his own knowledge
2022-01-31 - God is love by His very nature
2022-01-30 - our righteousness is not in us but in Christ
2022-01-29 - the ecstatic love which nailed and held Jesus to the cross
2022-01-28 - this holy love is killing me
2022-01-27 - the soul concentrates upon rejoicing in God's infinite perfections
2022-01-26 - the purity of faith cannot be attained by means of discursive reason
2022-01-25 - the decrees of God are God himself
2022-01-24 - Doctrine of the Third Heaven
2022-01-23 - desire for God
2022-01-22 - holy fear that preserves and gives increase to the virtues
2022-01-21 - a heliocentric solar system
2022-01-21 - a heliocentric solar system
2022-01-20 - the works of God
2022-01-19 - prayer is the ascent of the mind to God
2022-01-18 - a person gradually acquires angelic harmony with God
2022-01-17 - direct joy to God
2022-01-16 - united with God through pure faith, the first theological virtue
2022-01-15 - I entered into unknowing a poem by St John of the Cross
2022-01-15 - inner enlightenments (locutions)
2022-01-14 - this dark, loving knowledge, which is faith
2022-01-13 - Christ is the living Word that reveals God, the light of his glory
2022-01-12 - He spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word-and He has no more to say
2022-01-11 - the soul receives God communications passively
2022-01-10 - a union with God beyond all knowing
2022-01-09 - He reigns; the Lord, the Savior reigns
2022-01-09 - saving faith draws life from Christ
2022-01-08 - there can be no turning to God without trust in his goodness, forgiveness in Jesus Christ
2022-01-07 - All things in salvation are from God through Christ by his Spirit
2022-01-06 - Christ's coming brings salvation to the world
2022-01-05 - an internal war ensues upon the new birth
2022-01-04 - you should fix your attention on someone resplendent in virtue
2022-01-03 - the feelings of Rousseauistic enthusiasm for natural beauty
2022-01-02 - Books Read During The Year 2021
2022-01-02 - feathers of jaybirds who paid toll to Satan
2022-01-01 - first day of the Year 2022
2021-12-31 - I want to cross over where all is peace
2021-12-30 - the establishment of a perfect society
2021-12-29 - Jonny
2021-12-29 - Soteriological monergism
2021-12-28 - carnal pleasures dull the intellect
2021-12-27 - shine in my heart, Lord Jesus
2021-12-26 - saving illumination creates a new humanity in Christ
2021-12-25 - to despise what is visible and even to desire to die for what is invisible
2021-12-24 - To shepherds as they watched by night
2021-12-24 - Van Wyck's conception of the artist as prophet
2021-12-24 - Time Time Time
2021-12-23 - she shared Whitman's "cosmic" intuition
2021-12-22 - member of the circle of Alfred Stieglitz
2021-12-21 - hypertriglyceridemia
2021-12-20 - desire finds expression in a loud cry and a great prayer
2021-12-19 - whoever does not know the brightness of eternal light is blind
2021-12-18 - actions speak louder than words
2021-12-17 - The Word Made Flesh
2021-12-16 - when their misery comes to an end they attain eternal joy
2021-12-15 - Jerusalem: according to the Scriptures salvation was to be won at the center of the world
2021-12-14 - Jonny
2021-12-14 - the Roman road of salvation
2021-12-13 - the cause of individual freedom
2021-12-12 - Adam and his wife, Christ and His church
2021-12-11 - the great mystery of Christ and His bride
2021-12-10 - they are chosen by God before coming to Christ
2021-12-09 - the Holy Spirit dwells in His people
2021-12-08 - one day we will see him face to face
2021-12-07 - the gifts of the Holy Spirit
2021-12-06 - rage in the USA
2021-12-05 - the virtue of contemplation
2021-12-04 - the vision of the divine essence
2021-12-03 - the age of the antihero
2021-12-02 - fallen humanity cannot do good in the sight of God
2021-12-01 - the body of Christ is the oasis of the Holy Spirit in the barren wilderness of this world
2021-12-01 - the body of Christ is the oasis of the Holy Spirit in the barren wilderness of this world
2021-11-30 - the Spirit's work in transforming God's creation into the new creation
2021-11-29 - Redeem me from distress
2021-11-29 - a quest to find the American Dream
2021-11-28 - a total absorption in the problems of this world to the near-exclusion of God
2021-11-27 - professing the primitive faith of the New England pilgrims
2021-11-26 - homelessness
2021-11-25 - we burn with desire for earthly things but are ice cold when it comes to heavenly ones
2021-11-24 - there are many in the church militant who will not be in the church triumphant
2021-11-23 - "Which Side Are You On?"
2021-11-22 - though the world is a valley of tears, heaven is a mountain of spices (Song of Solomon 8:14)
2021-11-21 - the glory of a good conscience
2021-11-20 - He will teach the meek His ways
2021-11-19 - Apples of Sodom
2021-11-18 - the member of the mystical body
2021-11-17 - The Day of the Dead Mexico City
2021-11-16 - the perfection of humble obedience
2021-11-15 - grace leads the heart daily to the throne of grace
2021-11-14 - the debt is never paid down in hell, the torment goes on for ever
2021-11-13 - prayer does not arise from the depths of their heart
2021-11-12 - therapy session reflections
2021-11-12 - I know that my skin shall rise up upon the earth
2021-11-11 - the salvation of sinners is the refreshment of God and saints
2021-11-11 - We Love Because
2021-11-10 - an intellectual campaign to liberate American minds
2021-11-09 - Christ seeks and shepherds His children
2021-11-09 - who love all things in God
2021-11-09 - There's Is Joy In Heaven
2021-11-09 - grace for the day
2021-11-08 - the angels celebrate a feast at whatever hour a sinner repents
2021-11-07 - the Son of Man is come to save that which was lost
2021-11-06 - the kingdom of heaven
2021-11-05 - the tyrannical analyst of its own being
2021-11-04 - we will be protected and illuminated by that grace for ever
2021-11-03 - God gives charge to His angels to attend on believers at death
2021-11-02 - The Age of Realism
2021-11-01 - Strike Up The Band!
2021-10-31 - death is coming and God will not be mocked, as you sow, so you shall reap
2021-10-30 - Jonny
2021-10-30 - once heavenly joys are tasted, base things are despised
2021-10-29 - The Houses Of The Holy
2021-10-28 - Indeed, the more we acquire on earth, the more we will accrue in hell
2021-10-27 - the Gilded Age meets the Progressive Era
2021-10-26 - know this: no one can live Christ's life without dying Christ's death
2021-10-25 - "learned ignorance"
2021-10-24 - the mildly Arian party saw that the Nicaeans were not cryptomodalists
2021-10-23 - he touches us when he illuminates our minds
2021-10-23 - morning devotions
2021-10-23 - I am the shepherd of sheep
2021-10-22 - sinners are deaf to God
2021-10-21 - frost moon
2021-10-20 - we fly when we transcend with the mind
2021-10-19 - Truth flees from hearts that he does not find humble
2021-10-18 - love for and knowledge of Christ are the signs of sonship
2021-10-17 - the general tendency is toward an exegesis of a spiritual nature
2021-10-16 - in the future we will be illuminated clearly by the vision of divinity
2021-10-16 - in the future we will be illuminated clearly by the vision of divinity
2021-10-16 - salt & light
2021-10-15 - they would be saved in their sins, but not from their sins
2021-10-14 - those who have the Holy Spirit do not turn back to sin
2021-10-13 - Share The Road!
2021-10-12 - blessed are they that mourn
2021-10-11 - high hopes oil the wheels of motion
2021-10-11 - the hope of glory is an active hope
2021-10-10 - the Proustian revelation of the immortality of memory
2021-10-09 - the miracle of art what was nothing less than giving birth by parthenogenesis
2021-10-09 - fourth or fifth therapy session
2021-10-08 - the blacks were forced into separate schools, separate churches, and even a separate cemetery
2021-10-07 - preparation for eternity
2021-10-06 - God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself
2021-10-05 - Hank
2021-10-05 - love for and knowledge of Christ are the signs of sonship
2021-10-04 - the Father is the first principle of the Godhead
2021-10-03 - soldier of the Cross
2021-10-02 - mass education circulated a naturalistic view of the world
2021-10-01 - the Lord comes into his wedding feast daily
2021-09-30 - human nature is deified in its union with the divine nature
2021-09-29 - grace was offered to you, but you would not be healed nor reformed; you have destroyed yourselves
2021-09-28 - the vindications of God's dishonors by the affronts of His grace
2021-09-28 - the power of myth
2021-09-27 - God wishes to be loved above all things
2021-09-26 - VanRaalte Farm County Park
2021-09-26 - grace's eternal inheritance of delights
2021-09-25 - Jonny
2021-09-25 - was there ever a love like that of Jesus?
2021-09-24 - He gave what was dearest to His heart
2021-09-23 - Christ Himself is the hypostasis of the mystical body
2021-09-22 - the complete destruction of Satan's empire
2021-09-22 - the complete destruction of Satan's empire
2021-09-21 - the least part of hell's torments
2021-09-21 - Jesus Christ crucified is our only way
2021-09-20 - the preciousness of time
2021-09-20 - progress in prayer is a serious matter
2021-09-19 - mystical death
2021-09-18 - the fire of divine love, which is the Holy Spirit
2021-09-18 - union of the intellect with God
2021-09-17 - broken minds
2021-09-16 - a stranger in the world
2021-09-15 - a used books haul or road to serfdom
2021-09-15 - a used books haul or road to serfdom
2021-09-14 - the hope in the heavenly things placed in me
2021-09-13 - Jonny
2021-09-13 - quiet as a church mouse
2021-09-12 - the barren fig tree
2021-09-11 - black shroud
2021-09-10 - the moment of our departure comes like a thief in the night
2021-09-09 - the soul is dead in the body of the hypocrite and sinner
2021-09-08 - trust the blood of Jesus
2021-09-07 - love to Christ is the Christian's badge
2021-09-06 - as we fell in Adam, we shall rise in Christ
2021-09-05 - Christ willingly gave up His life
2021-09-04 - the Beats
2021-09-03 - end of Nature
2021-09-02 - the birth of the atomic bomb
2021-09-01 - a new month
2021-09-01 - Wednesday' Word
2021-08-31 - the trinitarian gospel
2021-08-30 - a holy life is necessary to the reception of holy truths
2021-08-29 - the Father is good, the Son is good, and the Spirit is good
2021-08-28 - serve the Lord with gladness
2021-08-28 - to be possessed by the one loved is bliss
2021-08-27 - sanctify as participation in the divine nature
2021-08-26 - the eternal circle of love within the Godhead
2021-08-25 - upheld by the Spirit
2021-08-24 - the original Adamic friendship with God
2021-08-23 - Jesus Christ himself is the ideal of the hermit monk
2021-08-22 - life isn't all sunny days
2021-08-21 - the devotion of godly affection toward Christ
2021-08-20 - blessed vision of God
2021-08-19 - COVID-19
2021-08-18 - Youth endures all things, kings and poetry and love
2021-08-17 - Jonny
2021-08-17 - the carnal person does not perceive the things of God
2021-08-16 - the sufferings of Christ
2021-08-15 - the entire life of a good Christian is holy desire
2021-08-14 - the hidden things of divine contemplation
2021-08-13 - The Hudson Valley
2021-08-12 - the Holy Spirit reveals sin
2021-08-11 - Friends of the Library Used Books Sale
2021-08-10 - life after death
2021-08-09 - the world of books
2021-08-08 - the fire of the Holy Spirit
2021-08-07 - kindled with fiery love for the Beloved, burned with desire
2021-08-06 - God is my life
2021-08-05 - in Christ we have peace
2021-08-04 - the Redeemer of the world
2021-08-03 - tasted a little of the doctrine of the Gospel
2021-08-02 - The Resurrection of Christ
2021-08-01 - interiorly through the illumination and grace of the Holy Spirit
2021-07-31 - How to Pray When You're Feeling Depressed
2021-07-31 - the clear and blessed vision of your essence
2021-07-30 - Time Lapse
2021-07-30 - is it spiritual or fruits of severe depression and anxiety?
2021-07-29 - perfect union of love
2021-07-28 - the eternal procession of the Spirit
2021-07-27 - cognitive behavioral therapy
2021-07-26 - boiling love aspires to union with the Beloved
2021-07-25 - I have fought the good fight 2 Tim. 4:7
2021-07-24 - called from the slavery of the law to gospel freedom
2021-07-23 - Bread of Heaven
2021-07-22 - a fear of being abandoned
2021-07-21 - The Power of Positive Thinking
2021-07-20 - the heavens and the earth are filled with his glory
2021-07-19 - The Book Of Hours
2021-07-18 - Holy Spirit reveals Christ
2021-07-17 - he loved them unto the end
2021-07-16 - Time Lapse
2021-07-16 - The Gospel of Mark
2021-07-15 - the centrality of faith
2021-07-14 - the entire universe is a revelation of God
2021-07-13 - the doctrine of God's hiddenness
2021-07-12 - the doctrine of God
2021-07-11 - pray without ceasing
2021-07-10 - The Last Days
2021-07-09 - the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost
2021-07-08 - The Shield of Faith
2021-07-07 - sustaining grace
2021-07-07 - Jonny
2021-07-06 - The Potter's Field
2021-07-05 - to be converted to God
2021-07-04 - the coming of the Kingdom of God
2021-07-03 - The Parable of the Lost Coin
2021-07-02 - The Lost Sheep
2021-07-01 - I NEED God to heal me
2021-06-30 - A LiveJournal Friend And I Talking About How to Deal With Anxiety And Depression
2021-06-29 - the dark side
2021-06-28 - Behavior Health Worker
2021-06-27 - silence is golden
2021-06-27 - God is my only hope
2021-06-27 - fears/anxiety/depression
2021-06-25 - the ontological participation of beings in the divine creativity of the Trinity
2021-06-24 - the mystery of the abnegation through which Christ's glory is manifested
2021-06-23 - a rose growing out of pierced heart
2021-06-22 - how foolish its to put faith in things that are passing
2021-06-21 - the divinity of the Holy Spirit
2021-06-20 - the demons who rob them of the gifts of grace
2021-06-19 - the redemption of all the elect
2021-06-18 - our continuous transfiguration in the Holy Spirit
2021-06-17 - Fire Warnings-Weather
2021-06-16 - the glory of God will enfold us
2021-06-15 - the trinitarian structure of divine action
2021-06-14 - The Book Nook
2021-06-13 - I need Thee, precious Jesus
2021-06-13 - I am the Bread of Life
2021-06-12 - composition notebook pipe dream excessive overflow June 2021
2021-06-12 - the wicked will not chant a dirge of compunction because of sin
2021-06-11 - has risen even to the heights of the Seraphim
2021-06-10 - man fell away from God
2021-06-09 - the Son's own being is the offspring of the Father's essence
2021-06-08 - A Used Books Haul Recap
2021-06-08 - the change of status for the man Jesus that resulted from his exaltation to God's right hand
2021-06-06 - I saw the cross of Jesus
2021-06-06 - we weep for the evil we have done
2021-06-05 - in short I write to you when I am in a serio-ludrico tragico-comico miscellany of feelings
2021-06-04 - the basic division was between the Misnaglim and the Hasidim
2021-06-03 - Livonian Brothers of the Sword
2021-06-02 - Tinnitus
2021-06-01 - there's a light in the valley
2021-05-31 - alas! there are but few among us that close their eyes like dying persons in Christ
2021-05-30 - the epistemological importance of the incarnation
2021-05-29 - a link to the divine mind
2021-05-28 - salvation in Christ
2021-05-27 - The Great Christian Tradition
2021-05-26 - the names of the saints are written in heaven
2021-05-25 - the human body
2021-05-24 - the infinitely complex movement of the natural year
2021-05-23 - make me firm in confronting the dangers of the world and the snares of the devil
2021-05-22 - there was really nothing much left to lose
2021-05-21 - a fantasy of untouchable fullness
2021-05-21 - Friday Reads
2021-05-20 - a death wish
2021-05-20 - Jonny
2021-05-19 - The Bible
2021-05-18 - the world is like a cloud
2021-05-17 - moths drink the tears of sleeping birds
2021-05-16 - some effort or energy flung at the void
2021-05-15 - a heap of language
2021-05-14 - at the end of my rope
2021-05-13 - medical marijuana
2021-05-12 - Hellenistic theory of melancholy
2021-05-12 - Hellenistic theory of melancholy
2021-05-11 - American Literary Establishment
2021-05-10 - The Girl From Ipanema
2021-05-09 - Cosmic Illness
2021-05-09 - the North Pole
2021-05-08 - the rite of the black sun
2021-05-07 - the struggle with the Angel
2021-05-06 - the beauty of the collective mind
2021-05-05 - Crowns in glory we shall wear
2021-05-04 - madness is a divine gift
2021-05-03 - nice buzz now
2021-05-02 - Jupiter and Saturn only distant flecks of brain hurled out before time was
2021-05-01 - turning language into spells to repel ghosts
2021-04-30 - reefer madness
2021-04-29 - shake the dust off your feet
2021-04-28 - the grace of revelation
2021-04-27 - the radical otherness of God
2021-04-25 - Aristotelian natural theology
2021-04-24 - Lemon Pound Cake
2021-04-23 - fly boy
2021-04-23 - be found feasting upon Jesus
2021-04-22 - Jonny
2021-04-22 - holding on to hope
2021-04-21 - the free world
2021-04-20 - the insane who has been cured are not promoted to ecclesiastical office
2021-04-19 - the natural knowledge of God
2021-04-18 - supernatural theology
2021-04-17 - Thomas Aquinas's conception of theology as contemplative wisdom
2021-04-17 - Thomas Aquinas's conception of theology as contemplative wisdom
2021-04-16 - crazy diamond
2021-04-15 - the Christian life is training in virtue toward the goal of being Christlike
2021-04-14 - interior darkness is blindness of the mind
2021-04-13 - Jonny
2021-04-13 - the grace contemplation
2021-04-12 - The Proust Questionnaire Tag!
2021-04-12 - it is a great glory and dignity for a human being to follow the Lord
2021-04-11 - Classical Theism
2021-04-10 - the three false prophets are the flesh, the world and the devil
2021-04-09 - The Royal Family
2021-04-08 - Cheap Stacks Used Books Haul
2021-04-07 - God's descent into human nature allows the human ascent to the divine
2021-04-06 - Christ saw himself bearing the sins of all believers
2021-04-05 - the way to Canaan is through the wilderness
2021-04-04 - faith fears not famine
2021-04-03 - I love the color White
2021-04-02 - a pure conscience is precious in God's eyes
2021-04-01 - the mass production of hate
2021-04-01 - Alas! and did my Savior bleed
2021-03-31 - the Bible promises the salvation of the complete human being
2021-03-31 - Jonny
2021-03-30 - Ghosts of Spain
2021-03-30 - the goal of humanistic education is to become truly human through soul formation
2021-03-29 - the ancient roots of Christian humanism
2021-03-28 - the human self as an island of autonomous consciousness and will
2021-03-27 - the history of madness
2021-03-26 - God without passions
2021-03-26 - God without passions
2021-03-25 - tasted of the joys of heaven in prayer?
2021-03-24 - the heavenly prize is proportionate to what you have suffered here below
2021-03-23 - the eye of the heart must be pure to be able to behold God
2021-03-22 - apocalyptic literature was essentially ethical
2021-03-21 - this blessed communion to be constant, unceasing and full of divine communications
2021-03-21 - the doctrine of timelessness
2021-03-20 - the one who is sinless came to save the multitude from sin
2021-03-19 - relentless ignorance
2021-03-18 - let us abandon all things and follow Jesus, in whom we possess everything
2021-03-17 - the world was always divided into Aristotelians and Platonists
2021-03-17 - approach the Eucharist with holy dread
2021-03-16 - the living in Jerusalem
2021-03-16 - Christ is willing and glad to receive sinners
2021-03-16 - the preciousness of the Redeemer
2021-03-15 - Christ's humanity is the road that takes us to God
2021-03-14 - the gates of heaven have been opened by Christ
2021-03-14 - the unsearchable riches of Christ
2021-03-13 - every man living in a state of grace is a perpetual miracle
2021-03-12 - "the penitential struggles"
2021-03-11 - Christ must be manifested in us by His Holy Spirit
2021-03-11 - neoprimitive solutions to the problem industrial capitalism
2021-03-10 - angels were seen around his tomb after the resurrection
2021-03-09 - there is healing at the fountain
2021-03-08 - thrift store used books haul
2021-03-08 - First World War
2021-03-07 - the life of trees
2021-03-06 - they are constantly interiorly aware of God and forget themselves
2021-03-06 - they always live in self-annihilation
2021-03-06 - Josie
2021-03-05 - the epistemological orthodoxy old Princeton
2021-03-04 - Scottish Common Sense Philosophy
2021-03-03 - Jonny
2021-03-03 - we must defend ourselves against demonic attacks both in days of prosperity and nights of adversity
2021-03-02 - the Spirit performs an interior cleansing
2021-03-01 - the biblical view of salvation must be fully trinitarian
2021-02-28 - so a certain angelic light ray entered the absolute brain
2021-02-27 - redemption is the renewal and transformation of the creation
2021-02-26 - the revelation in Christ
2021-02-25 - Christological approach to the Old Testament
2021-02-24 - doctrine in development
2021-02-23 - To James Laughlin
2021-02-23 - by faith we understand
2021-02-22 - the knowledge of our own misery is the broad highway to beatitude
2021-02-21 - the process of canonization
2021-02-20 - everything God does in beautiful (i.e., God-glorifying)
2021-02-19 - the sanctification of human time
2021-02-18 - the time of pilgrimage is the current time
2021-02-17 - the Fail Decade
2021-02-16 - guide me into the Promise Land
2021-02-15 - the bodies of the saints are buried in peace
2021-02-14 - his life would be one single , integrated act of composition
2021-02-13 - southern soul swamp opera
2021-02-12 - gag me with a spoon
2021-02-11 - Fennvile Library Used Books Room
2021-02-10 - the Abba experience
2021-02-09 - the Devil is defeated
2021-02-09 - O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
2021-02-08 - the earthy ministry of Jesus Christ was the climax of redemptive history
2021-02-07 - the advent of Christ came invisibly into his mind through a secret inspiration
2021-02-06 - our true county is Paradise
2021-02-05 - there is an incomprehensible glory to Christ's incarnation
2021-02-04 - the emanation of a polymorphous universal mind
2021-02-04 - the emanation of a polymorphous universal mind
2021-02-03 - Yea, the person of the believer is indissolubly united to the glorious person of the Son of God
2021-02-02 - Jonny Ray
2021-02-02 - out of a nothing one comes into a superessential life
2021-02-01 - a walk through Nantucket
2021-01-31 - San Juan Hill
2021-01-30 - the Roman Empire
2021-01-29 - Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
2021-01-28 - the practice of burial in the church floor
2021-01-27 - people will see God, here through internal contemplation and hereafter through everlasting enjoyment
2021-01-26 - Christ possesses a human nature but is not a human person
2021-01-25 - the Son operates with his drawing in the intellect
2021-01-25 - the mystery of the incarnation
2021-01-24 - the light in which we contemplate the divine essence is a hidden light
2021-01-24 - Jonny
2021-01-23 - he formed our Adam out of the earth in the field of Damascus near Hebron
2021-01-22 - He is the eternal rest of angels and saints
2021-01-21 - to know and love God was to become Him
2021-01-20 - most holy lover of my soul
2021-01-20 - You visit Your faithful lovers
2021-01-19 - Winter in Madrid
2021-01-18 - the union with God is not an esoteric experience, but it takes place in faith
2021-01-17 - the grace of God touches the highest powers of the soul
2021-01-17 - we should love God for his own sake
2021-01-16 - the LORD shall cut off all flattering lips
2021-01-15 - the elevation of heavenly contemplation
2021-01-14 - the mystery of the Trinity
2021-01-13 - the divine self-revelation in the Son is equally beyond words, above our understanding
2021-01-12 - God's essence is uncreated and our essence is created
2021-01-11 - the Spirit proceeds from the mutual contemplation of Father and Son
2021-01-10 - to see God means to follow Christ in a life of virtue
2021-01-09 - the divine Persons enjoy the divine unity of modelessness
2021-01-08 - they ascend to contemplation
2021-01-07 - the wicked should be turned into hell
2021-01-06 - you have adorned their soul with the image of the Holy Trinity
2021-01-05 - love descends from God
2021-01-04 - the holy scriptures are a burning mountain
2021-01-03 - white-breasted nuthatch
2021-01-03 - the doctrine of the papal antichrist
2021-01-02 - By faith I look where Christ has gone
2021-01-02 - Christ appears for us in heaven
2021-01-01 - I am nothing
2020-12-31 - only in union with Christ that men can experience saving grace
2020-12-31 - loved with everlasting love
2020-12-30 - a glimpse of the essence of the entire Godhead
2020-12-29 - progressive sanctification
2020-12-28 - call to holiness
2020-12-27 - the Assyrian Church of the East
2020-12-26 - all flesh will see Christ the Judge
2020-12-25 - the life of God in man
2020-12-25 - The Third Unity
2020-12-25 - the mystery of endless union with God
2020-12-24 - to be without Jesus is the pain of hell
2020-12-23 - he is enfolded in the love of God by the Holy Spirit
2020-12-22 - purge me daily, paternally correcting, sweetly inflaming me with your holy love
2020-12-21 - the everlasting joy and bliss of the kingdom of heaven
2020-12-21 - More love to Thee, O Christ
2020-12-19 - the union of the spirit occurs through a transformation of the soul
2020-12-18 - we will see the glorious light of your divine essence
2020-12-18 - the unmediated unknown presence of the glorious Godhead
2020-12-17 - the inner vision of the mind
2020-12-16 - but never was blessedness something future or something absent from the soul of Christ
2020-12-15 - Jesus is the Maker of Angels
2020-12-14 - the Holy Spirit as God's energization of holiness in the Church
2020-12-13 - Half Time
2020-12-12 - prayer is an ascent of the mind to God
2020-12-11 - the Incarnation was the major act of divine redemption of the cosmos
2020-12-10 - the meaning of Truth
2020-12-09 - the gift of the fear of God
2020-12-08 - offers to the cosmos its hope for salvific union with God
2020-12-07 - the Scriptures were approached as a tool of spiritual ascent
2020-12-06 - sacred order of leadership
2020-12-05 - A Debtor To Mercy Alone
2020-12-04 - a love song written to the H-Bomb
2020-12-03 - Thursday Night Reads
2020-12-03 - a sudden overthrow of the government
2020-12-02 - the pursuit of glory
2020-12-01 - the concept of an epistemological ascent to God driven by a life of virtue
2020-11-30 - there is no better way of grasping human imperfection than by see it in the light of God's face
2020-11-29 - the angels encircle God
2020-11-28 - the oneness of true Christians
2020-11-27 - the people of God are in a transcendent blessedness by reason of this mediatory intercession
2020-11-27 - the man is ever blest
2020-11-26 - the soul of Christ from its inception was granted the beatific vision of God
2020-11-25 - the virgin birth
2020-11-24 - Great God Of Wonders
2020-11-24 - Christ's incarnation reflects the Trinitarian mission of salvation
2020-11-23 - the wound of love
2020-11-22 - the anagogical revelation of the Holy Spirit
2020-11-21 - the light of grace
2020-11-21 - new book
2020-11-20 - the decline of capitalism
2020-11-19 - The Life of Christ
2020-11-18 - feel sin as a burden
2020-11-18 - the culture of classicism
2020-11-17 - Christian theology of baptism
2020-11-16 - it was Christ whom Israel encountered in the wilderness
2020-11-15 - My soul lies cleaving to the dust
2020-11-15 - only God can save us from all sin and misery
2020-11-14 - The Black Freedom Struggle
2020-11-13 - The Twelve
2020-11-12 - lost people are the only ones that Jesus came to save
2020-11-12 - look upon Christ with all his benefits
2020-11-11 - the unprecedented inequality of the Gilded Age
2020-11-10 - the imperial cult made conflict with Christians inevitable
2020-11-09 - without the heavenly Jerusalem are said to be dogs
2020-11-08 - prayer is a golden chain that reaches from heaven to earth
2020-11-07 - blessed are they that die in the Lord, their works follow them
2020-11-06 - freedom of the seas
2020-11-05 - there is a danger of being a Pharisee when you cease being a publican
2020-11-04 - The Age Of Chemical Warfare
2020-11-04 - the glory of God
2020-11-04 - O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever
2020-11-03 - the fragility of capitalist civilization
2020-11-02 - Jonny
2020-11-02 - no sooner is your soul gone out of the body, but it appears before God
2020-11-02 - it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God
2020-11-01 - the doctrine of Christ's Godhead
2020-10-31 - Deuteronomistic History
2020-10-30 - be not a gnostic
2020-10-29 - if eternal life be to know God, then this is eternal death not to know God
2020-10-28 - a heavenly frame of mind
2020-10-27 - the philosophical misuse of language
2020-10-26 - oil change
2020-10-25 - bit the tongue with madness
2020-10-24 - eternal death
2020-10-24 - teach us to number our days
2020-10-23 - to stand fast as Mount Zion
2020-10-22 - the transcendent love of Christ
2020-10-21 - the patience of the saints
2020-10-20 - the judgment seat of Christ
2020-10-19 - page 986 2020 Diary
2020-10-19 - the Light of the Gospel
2020-10-19 - a powerful terrorist organization
2020-10-18 - for He is an holy God
2020-10-17 - pray heavenly and all will be heavenly
2020-10-16 - Another Used Books Haul
2020-10-16 - history of infinity
2020-10-15 - prayer is the key to open heaven
2020-10-14 - prayer us heavenly commerce with God
2020-10-13 - lest thou art surprized by horrible confusion, when the Bridegroom comes
2020-10-13 - the last man
2020-10-12 - the desire to transform the body into an automaton
2020-10-11 - their hearts was not right with him
2020-10-10 - the human being is a metaphysical creature
2020-10-09 - the 'journey' is a pregnant metaphor for life with Yahweh
2020-10-06 - Jonny
2020-10-06 - the last rose of Summer
2020-10-05 - a possibility of American Civil War
2020-10-04 - the wilderness is a place of testing
2020-10-03 - days of Noe
2020-10-02 - Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
2020-10-01 - the Gentiles have been grafted into theological Israel
2020-09-30 - the great French writer E. M. Cioran
2020-09-29 - the cult of the Apis bull of Egypt
2020-09-28 - the Levites protest the people from the fiery danger that attaches to having God in their midst
2020-09-27 - the fundamental human impulse to ask metaphysical questions
2020-09-26 - the restored and repopulated Jerusalem will be newly created in the new heavens and new earth
2020-09-25 - the slum poverty of the industrial cities
2020-09-24 - he must take time to meditate on and feel his pollution
2020-09-24 - photo of my desk
2020-09-23 - smoke of dreams
2020-09-21 - the essence of sin is hatred of God
2020-09-20 - wanted to be a weirdo
2020-09-19 - live at the Flesh Club
2020-09-18 - Mother Of The World
2020-09-17 - laying down the sword
2020-09-16 - Sinai's loud thunder failed, but the silent love of Zion overcomes!
2020-09-15 - take time to be holy
2020-09-14 - the essence of sin is an attack on God's holy throne and His very existence
2020-09-13 - Definite Atonement
2020-09-12 - Cheap Stacks Used Books Sale
2020-09-11 - The Man of Sin
2020-09-10 - true Christians live under the shadow of the cross
2020-09-09 - metaphysical unity
2020-09-08 - life sucks
2020-09-07 - Labor Day
2020-09-06 - growth in holiness must and will follow regeneration
2020-09-05 - the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
2020-09-04 - Christ-centered
2020-09-03 - a rosy nimbus surrounds her head like a foggy halo of mustard gas
2020-09-02 - fanatical culture-barbarism
2020-09-01 - Jesus has been enthroned as the promised Davidic King, the Son of God who reigns in Zion
2020-08-31 - the Brahmins of East Coast High Culture
2020-08-30 - a search for God
2020-08-29 - the worldwide rule of God
2020-08-28 - no text mirrors phenomenological reality
2020-08-27 - the secret fire of alchemical philosophy
2020-08-26 - the dogmatic dictator of literary taste
2020-08-25 - an ideal of absolute literary honesty
2020-08-24 - the mental does not hover the physical as a Cartesian ghost
2020-08-23 - the ancient luxury of a dish of peacock brains
2020-08-22 - secret alliances with interplanetary beings
2020-08-21 - the eighteenth-century European Illuminati
2020-08-20 - page 797 2020 Paper Diary
2020-08-20 - the beginning of the Great Depression
2020-08-19 - The Bomb
2020-08-18 - consensus reality orientation
2020-08-17 - Class Warfare
2020-08-16 - a primary promoter of the American pastoral fantasy
2020-08-15 - alarm to the unconverted
2020-08-14 - Birthday Used Books Haul
2020-08-13 - the great American pastoral fantasy
2020-08-12 - AWK
2020-08-11 - Bermuda Triangle
2020-08-10 - free choice and divine grace
2020-08-09 - he would add the rigorousness of an ironic commentator on vanities
2020-08-08 - struggling, angry soul on the ragged edge of society
2020-08-07 - the doctrine of predestination
2020-08-06 - mountains of madness
2020-08-05 - The Rockefeller's
2020-08-04 - use of nuclear weapons
2020-08-04 - James Boswell on Samuel Johnson
2020-08-03 - a total victory for the plutocrats and total extinction of democratic institutions
2020-08-02 - The Agrarian Myth
2020-08-01 - you can never be wise unless you love reading
2020-07-31 - Charles Bukowski
2020-07-30 - to decamp
2020-07-29 - Dictionary Johnson
2020-07-28 - the cycle of American history
2020-07-27 - in our present state there is more evil than good
2020-07-26 - The History of Memory
2020-07-25 - till the mind has subsided into cool attention
2020-07-24 - new sorrow rises as the day returns
2020-07-23 - the unity of God
2020-07-22 - in the one essence of God there is a trinity of persons
2020-07-21 - Used Books Haul
2020-07-21 - he regards Scripture as a mystical map of how to be conformed to Christ
2020-07-20 - swept away like the sacred sand mandala's of Buddhist monks
2020-07-19 - the unity of the Church
2020-07-19 - Jonny
2020-07-18 - the Scripture contains many hidden levels of meaning
2020-07-17 - the final felicity of man consists only in the contemplation of God
2020-07-16 - our very being is nothing but subsistence in the one God
2020-07-15 - the complete accuracy of Scripture
2020-07-14 - one must resist the beginning of sin
2020-07-13 - Void Rot
2020-07-12 - terror of the sublime maddened all minds
2020-07-11 - the death of the Federalist Party
2020-07-10 - The Weimar Republic
2020-07-09 - investigating the social meaning of Nothingness
2020-07-08 - I feel like screaming inside my head
2020-07-07 - The Age of Reason
2020-07-06 - clean dirt off a grave stone
2020-07-05 - the Houyhnhnm imagination
2020-07-04 - Jonny
2020-07-04 - growing in grace
2020-07-03 - The Book of Ephraim
2020-07-02 - I have opium enough in my soul
2020-07-01 - only by denying life can it be lived in its totality
2020-06-30 - to participate in either being or nonbeing
2020-06-29 - to understand ourselves an an inner flow of life
2020-06-28 - In order to understand, I destroyed myself
2020-06-27 - the unknown god whom the Gods may remember
2020-06-25 - the liberal doctrine of natural rights
2020-06-24 - a family gathering
2020-06-23 - the moral law
2020-06-22 - Harvard Law School
2020-06-21 - a Calhoun Fire Eater
2020-06-20 - the literary renaissance of Virginia
2020-06-19 - A Man Above Harm, Freedom that Enslaves, and the Power of Phroneo
2020-06-19 - the blood of the cross has made peace
2020-06-18 - The Social Mind
2020-06-17 - Life Is Short. Death Is Forever.
2020-06-16 - Man has always been under law
2020-06-15 - Jonny
2020-06-15 - the Gilded Age
2020-06-14 - the Holy Trinity is uncreated
2020-06-13 - in the person of Christ the kingdom of God has come down to the earth
2020-06-12 - American religious history
2020-06-11 - the chill winds blowing from the outer spaces of a mechanistic cosmos
2020-06-10 - the path to Utopian emotionalism
2020-06-09 - Thrift Store Used Books Haul
2020-06-08 - the written Scriptures originate from Yahweh
2020-06-07 - nothing human was strange to Christ
2020-06-06 - sin is a slippery slope
2020-06-05 - contemplation is a foretaste of the delights of heaven
2020-06-04 - the sound doctrine of salvation
2020-06-03 - "Old Robots Never Rust"
2020-06-02 - the preservation of the righteous
2020-06-01 - Pressing on to God
2020-05-31 - Scream Therapy
2020-05-30 - loving God and our neighbor
2020-05-29 - I Can't Breath!
2020-05-28 - For lo! the Lord's great day is near
2020-05-27 - naked reliance on the work of Christ
2020-05-26 - the Holy Spirit creates a robust sense of enjoyment of Christ
2020-05-25 - shed over the world Thy holy light
2020-05-24 - adoration of self
2020-05-23 - the Word creates its own hearers
2020-05-22 - the Word is mightier than the world
2020-05-21 - Our Enemy, the State
2020-05-20 - we are to be holy in all that we do
2020-05-19 - only the pure can commune deeply with the all-pure One
2020-05-18 - seeking God alone
2020-05-17 - the soul desires to be transfigured through love
2020-05-16 - poverty of spirit
2020-05-16 - the wound of knowledge
2020-05-15 - God effects spiritual transformation
2020-05-14 - the true light of life
2020-05-13 - we see God by means of his own light
2020-05-12 - participation in Christ
2020-05-11 - Jonny
2020-05-11 - purgation is thus followed by spiritual illumination
2020-05-10 - the love of God is not to be sought out of Christ
2020-05-09 - natural state of perceiving the unity of all things
2020-05-08 - The Dark Night
2020-05-08 - What God is by nature we become by grace
2020-05-07 - we are all one
2020-05-06 - the faithful are saved by the blood of Christ
2020-05-05 - the unity of the covenant
2020-05-04 - Pagan writers say that human minds have been thunderstruck by the god Pan
2020-05-03 - the Red Planet
2020-05-02 - the soteriological unity of the saints in the Old Testament and the New
2020-05-01 - The Omega Force
2020-04-30 - Jesus's miracles recall the original creative power of God
2020-04-29 - just sitting, just being
2020-04-28 - the spiritual marriage
2020-04-28 - John Reed on the miseries of the downtrodden
2020-04-27 - the unity of God carries with it the unity of mankind and the unity of history
2020-04-26 - a secret police force on American soil
2020-04-25 - God will guide his people from Babylon to the Promise Land
2020-04-24 - the free mercy of God
2020-04-23 - the continual washing away of sin in the blood of Christ
2020-04-22 - salvation through grace was rooted in election
2020-04-21 - one covenant of grace in Christ
2020-04-20 - the power of the Godhead
2020-04-19 - Jonny
2020-04-19 - life is nothing other than a short and vain battle with death
2020-04-19 - the comfort of election
2020-04-18 - Non-Fiction Book Tag
2020-04-18 - the Augustinian emphasis on unmerited grace
2020-04-17 - pouring out of the Spirit
2020-04-16 - Watergate
2020-04-15 - the whole universe is a revelation of divine wisdom
2020-04-14 - sin is a indwelling active power that resides in a person
2020-04-13 - the absolutely universal sinfulness of the human race
2020-04-12 - the atomic mushroom of Hiroshima
2020-04-11 - in the devil sin began as self-exaltation and pride
2020-04-10 - End Times
2020-04-09 - “The heart is deceitful.” Jer. 17. 9; Song 1. 5
2020-04-09 - clouds of horror upon sight of sin and a sense of Divine wrath
2020-04-08 - the Holy Spirit enables us to see God's mercy in the offer of the gospel
2020-04-07 - the machine theory of life
2020-04-05 - there is in the Church of Rome the hidden church of God
2020-04-04 - the final purpose of man lay in the eternal blessedness
2020-04-03 - the great Economic Crash of 2020
2020-04-02 - only man was created in the image of God
2020-04-02 - the earth alone has been chosen to be the dwelling place of man
2020-04-01 - the way of salvation for the church going back to the time of Adam
2020-03-31 - Longest Books I Read in 2010-2019 Tag
2020-03-31 - the original earth was void
2020-03-30 - COVID-19 Update
2020-03-30 - a taste of wonderland
2020-03-29 - Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove
2020-03-29 - the bread of life
2020-03-28 - direct line to God
2020-03-27 - Flower Power
2020-03-26 - LSD as a Government weapon
2020-03-24 - the struggle for supremacy between patriarchs and the pope
2020-03-23 - Little Free Library
2020-03-22 - the central content of the special revelation is the person and work of Christ
2020-03-21 - God is known in proportion to the extent that He is loved
2020-03-20 - The Psilocybin Project
2020-03-19 - the messianic prophet who ushers in the last days
2020-03-18 - we were tracing cosmic rays
2020-03-17 - Jonny Ray
2020-03-17 - Mass Hysteria
2020-03-16 - The Book of Lights
2020-03-15 - the Christ event
2020-03-14 - His Eye Is Upon The Sparrow
2020-03-14 - the grand story line of redemption
2020-03-13 - the roots of the American order
2020-03-12 - COVID-19
2020-03-11 - may the Force be with you
2020-03-10 - Peace and Freedom Party
2020-03-09 - Coronavirus Plague
2020-03-08 - End The Hope
2020-03-07 - the eternal adolescence of the American mind
2020-03-06 - the first Adam prophetically corresponds to the last Adam
2020-03-05 - ruined by reading
2020-03-05 - knee to a dark sun
2020-03-04 - the book of the covenant
2020-03-03 - a Christological understanding of Scripture
2020-03-02 - existence
2020-03-02 - the past like the hoot of plucked and hopeless owls
2020-03-01 - he had learnt to regard abstract rhythms as an expression of the inner self
2020-03-01 - March 2020 Diary
2020-02-29 - Christ is true Israel and so are all those who identify with him
2020-02-28 - a mysterious fusion of divine and human identity in the figure of Jesus
2020-02-27 - path to power
2020-02-26 - G.K. Beale
2020-02-25 - they created a narrative world thick with scriptural memory
2020-02-24 - the Holy Mountain
2020-02-23 - the two-kingdom theory of the Reformers
2020-02-22 - Adam and Eve as priests
2020-02-21 - The Westminster Standards
2020-02-21 - a state of mind
2020-02-20 - the faithful few
2020-02-19 - the sovereignty of God
2020-02-18 - the opening of dead gates
2020-02-17 - Christian Worldview
2020-02-16 - Carol, Cora, & Josie
2020-02-16 - the cult of the lost empire
2020-02-15 - the mediatorial work of Christ
2020-02-14 - Jonny
2020-02-14 - the collapse of a great empire
2020-02-13 - satanical molestation
2020-02-12 - Carol & Cora Leigh
2020-02-12 - age of the earth
2020-02-11 - mystical union with Christ is at the heart of the Christian faith
2020-02-10 - the experience of God
2020-02-09 - the history of psychoanalysis
2020-02-08 - junco
2020-02-08 - the Anschluss
2020-02-07 - caught in the web of history
2020-02-06 - the classic pose of the cafe intellectual
2020-02-05 - The Working Class
2020-02-04 - fires of Eden
2020-02-03 - to reach satori in the pure energy of pure language
2020-02-02 - the fundamental meaninglessness of language
2020-02-01 - the contemporaneity of all ages
2020-01-31 - hope against hope
2020-01-30 - an ideal of western civilization
2020-01-29 - Happy Birthday!
2020-01-29 - the modes of divine illumination
2020-01-29 - the way of the Jewish mystic
2020-01-28 - The Parable of the Ten Virgins
2020-01-28 - life of faith
2020-01-27 - the Civil War
2020-01-26 - the New Eden
2020-01-25 - the great upheaval
2020-01-24 - mystical sense of unity of all
2020-01-23 - The Top Ten Nonfiction Books Tag
2020-01-23 - A Hippie Dream
2020-01-23 - the process of detachment
2020-01-22 - the road to conversion
2020-01-22 - Jonny
2020-01-21 - "Blessed is the man that feareth always" (Prov. 28:14)
2020-01-20 - all things must be done to God's glory
2020-01-19 - the Unity of God
2020-01-18 - they are created and renewed by His Spirit
2020-01-17 - the natural man perceiveth not the things of God
2020-01-16 - The Jung Cult
2020-01-15 - when a man dies, conscience dies not
2020-01-14 - take hold of the covenant
2020-01-13 - cases of conscience
2020-01-12 - God so loved the world
2020-01-12 - no coffee in Hell
2020-01-11 - the delight of God is communicating Himself
2020-01-10 - there is no sunshine
2020-01-09 - communion with God
2020-01-08 - waiting for someone to turn on the lights
2020-01-07 - The Golden Globe Awards
2020-01-06 - thirsting for ruin
2020-01-05 - they sew pillows under the arms of sinners
2020-01-04 - those who long after the onions of Egypt cannot taste the spiritual manna
2020-01-03 - skulls formed in a circle like a last prayer
2020-01-02 - the role of death in covenant inauguration
2020-01-01 - Jonny
2020-01-01 - my fellow-travelers to eternity!
2019-12-31 - the year 2020
2019-12-30 - The Book Of Kells
2019-12-29 - a self-denying heart
2019-12-28 - The Battle Of Britain
2019-12-27 - we can never love God too much
2019-12-26 - the new aesthetic of naturalism
2019-12-25 - the atmosphere of metaphysical sickness
2019-12-24 - Meet The Book Tuber Tag
2019-12-24 - the doctrine of historical materialism
2019-12-23 - Crime Fiction
2019-12-22 - a real contact of the human spirit with the Holy Spirit
2019-12-21 - the blessings of Abraham
2019-12-20 - Russian October Revolution
2019-12-19 - Cheap Stacks Used Books Haul
2019-12-18 - religion for atheists
2019-12-17 - the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
2019-12-16 - being "in Christ" meant that a person was a "new creation"
2019-12-15 - new covenant in Christ
2019-12-14 - Fenniville Library Used Books Haul
2019-12-13 - there is the Spirit of Christ to make music unto a soul
2019-12-12 - Christ The Only Way
2019-12-12 - Christ alone exalted
2019-12-11 - a transformative process of growth towards God
2019-12-10 - the profound difference between the Uncreated and the created
2019-12-09 - there is within you a secret communion always going on
2019-12-08 - self in cyberspace
2019-12-07 - there is more than one history of the world
2019-12-06 - once taste and savor of the spirit is experienced, everything carnal is insipid
2019-12-05 - to be illumined passively without active effort
2019-12-04 - enjoying God
2019-12-03 - The Blackfoot Tribe
2019-12-02 - I Was A Wandering Sheep
2019-12-02 - they have been united with pure knowledge
2019-12-01 - the burden of the old capitalist bourgeois decadent Adam
2019-11-30 - let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts
2019-11-29 - Black Friday
2019-11-28 - thanksgiving
2019-11-28 - Christ will come as a Redeemer
2019-11-27 - to climb the divine ladder of faith
2019-11-26 - For in God, or in the state of perfection, all appetites cease
2019-11-25 - The American Music Awards
2019-11-23 - God's world
2019-11-22 - vision is the end of religion
2019-11-21 - the rich history of coffee
2019-11-20 - the aesthetics of silence
2019-11-19 - an idealized drama about contemporary existence
2019-11-18 - the Dark Ages
2019-11-17 - the Youth Movement
2019-11-16 - Lou, Carol, & Marn
2019-11-16 - empty words
2019-11-15 - J. Fenimore Cooper
2019-11-14 - the mystery of God
2019-11-13 - mystical enlightenment
2019-11-12 - the authority of holy Scripture
2019-11-11 - God will bring everything to its proper eschatological conclusion
2019-11-10 - ascension of the mind to pure contemplation of heavenly things
2019-11-09 - all things new
2019-11-08 - Ollie
2019-11-08 - Christ kills Antichrist with the spirit of his mouth
2019-11-07 - The Book of Revelation
2019-11-07 - Great Patriotic War
2019-11-06 - pork chop
2019-11-05 - do your best
2019-11-04 - The sands of time are sinking
2019-11-04 - the door
2019-11-03 - a slow decent into madness
2019-11-02 - solid nothingness
2019-11-02 - Jonny
2019-11-01 - FBI
2019-10-31 - Not Literature of the I, but Literature of the Who Am I
2019-10-30 - broken wings
2019-10-29 - Planet Life
2019-10-28 - Blackgaze
2019-10-27 - all is lost
2019-10-26 - Food Drive
2019-10-25 - the Hidden Gospels
2019-10-24 - the Messiah living in me
2019-10-23 - the paradigmatic covenant memory of the exodus
2019-10-22 - the suffocating dilemmas of modern consciousness
2019-10-22 - Jonny
2019-10-21 - "Hail to the Chief!"
2019-10-20 - to live is Christ
2019-10-19 - eternal return
2019-10-18 - Free Speech
2019-10-18 - page 846 2019 Diary
2019-10-17 - have hearts established with practical godliness
2019-10-16 - against interpretation
2019-10-15 - the apocalyptic new covenant
2019-10-14 - Jonny
2019-10-14 - an element of Spenglerian doom
2019-10-13 - go vomit on the parade of death
2019-10-12 - comic masterpiece
2019-10-11 - the end of the quest
2019-10-10 - self-consciousness is the mark of humanity
2019-10-09 - seeing the world as an aesthetic phenomenon
2019-10-08 - the world of the Squares
2019-10-07 - free speech constituted a political act
2019-10-06 - every sin is sin against God
2019-10-05 - Cultural Revolution
2019-10-04 - the kiss of death
2019-10-03 - conformity to God
2019-10-03 - conformity to God
2019-10-02 - an alternative history of contemporary American culture
2019-10-02 - the fact that the Russians interfered with the U.S. elections
2019-10-01 - Jonny
2019-10-01 - the Sand Creek Massacre
2019-09-30 - a couple times a month I look forward to some brief spasms
2019-09-29 - the book of the Dark
2019-09-28 - in the face of eternity play possum
2019-09-27 - the Lost Generation
2019-09-26 - The Robber Barons
2019-09-25 - The Family Dog
2019-09-24 - the household of God
2019-09-23 - the horrors of life behind the Iron Curtain
2019-09-22 - Baudelaire in 1850 writes of the horror of the world being Americanized
2019-09-21 - one moves from Adam to Christ
2019-09-20 - they tend to make one disgusted with reality
2019-09-19 - the History of the Jews
2019-09-18 - the revelatory function of the cross
2019-09-17 - in the end he will bless Israel and the nations
2019-09-16 - The Fall of Paris
2019-09-15 - alienation from God
2019-09-14 - Lake Michigan sunset
2019-09-14 - a fixed written Gospel tradition
2019-09-13 - an existential detective story
2019-09-12 - the prospect of a submarine attack filled him with dread
2019-09-11 - the Great Western Schism
2019-09-10 - Real Life
2019-09-09 - the Birth of Modernist Art
2019-09-08 - a heroic conception of the poet
2019-09-07 - the New Thought cult
2019-09-06 - diary of a Yuppie
2019-09-05 - emanated from the cosmic darkness
2019-09-04 - Cold War
2019-09-03 - demonically possessed cell phones
2019-09-02 - Jonny
2019-09-02 - the apostolic testimony to Christ goes back to Jesus's own foundation
2019-09-01 - the fact that sea salt now contains mircoplastics
2019-09-01 - devotions
2019-08-31 - the one who does not return to God is led as utterly captive to Satan
2019-08-30 - history of synoptic tradition
2019-08-29 - the defeat and disempowerment of all gods and idols by Christ
2019-08-29 - morning devotions
2019-08-28 - the Pauline churches formed end-time "contrast communities"
2019-08-27 - saints in glory
2019-08-26 - a secret history of the workspace
2019-08-25 - the boy was country tough, but hillbilly tacky
2019-08-24 - the diversity of life
2019-08-23 - Johnny Cash
2019-08-22 - page 751 2019 Diary
2019-08-22 - a ghost lost in the Wasteland
2019-08-21 - the whore of Babylon
2019-08-20 - the hunger angel
2019-08-19 - there is a tropical rain forest at the North Pole
2019-08-18 - The Kumulipo
2019-08-16 - The Aegean Civilization
2019-08-15 - grafted into the gospel
2019-08-14 - Dinosaurs are still with us in the form of energy
2019-08-13 - the one who gives life to the dead
2019-08-12 - a vanished golden age of European culture
2019-08-11 - the Gospels are ancient biographies
2019-08-10 - a History of Bohemianism in America
2019-08-09 - Blueberry Festival Used Books Sale
2019-08-08 - the justification of the ungodly through the atoning death of Jesus
2019-08-07 - Jonny
2019-08-07 - God will judge the world on the last day through Christ
2019-08-06 - God's self-revelation in Christ
2019-08-05 - was raised again for our justification
2019-08-04 - I am the LORD; there is none else
2019-08-03 - Jesus is the Lord of the cosmos
2019-08-02 - the Zion Torah
2019-08-01 - the gift of righteousness to the ungodly sinner
2019-07-31 - his messianic ministry completed on the cross and his resurrection
2019-07-30 - humans originally participated in God's incorruption
2019-07-29 - a ghost is born
2019-07-28 - a reappropriation of the divine life through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
2019-07-27 - grace perfects nature
2019-07-26 - ontologically grounded in Jesus
2019-07-25 - the quest for Jesus
2019-07-24 - I had never been attacked by a garage band playing punk-rock songs
2019-07-23 - Orthodoxy was unconsciousness
2019-07-21 - The Ministry Of Truth
2019-07-20 - Man, what planet am I on?
2019-07-19 - my father is a book
2019-07-18 - the Son's eternal generation does not equate with eternal subordination
2019-07-17 - the tomb traditions of the Gospels
2019-07-16 - Christ manifested the form of God in the form of a slave
2019-07-15 - the Christ of faith
2019-07-14 - Jesus goes to his death with the certainty of the immediate glorification
2019-07-13 - the blood of the covenant
2019-07-13 - grandchildren
2019-07-13 - Jonny
2019-07-12 - a sudden light
2019-07-11 - His appearance will astonish the powerful upon the earth
2019-07-11 - family photo
2019-07-10 - Ollie our oldest son's dog
2019-07-10 - God will bring about a new creation
2019-07-09 - Ukrainian monks
2019-07-08 - Sending Theology in the Gospel of John
2019-07-07 - the Son and the Father are one
2019-07-06 - the common grace of God
2019-07-05 - we are chosen in Christ
2019-07-04 - concentration camps in America
2019-07-03 - the inherited guilt of Adam's sin
2019-07-02 - biblical spirituality
2019-07-01 - the age of images
2019-06-30 - the cult of Wotan
2019-06-28 - cleansing the doors of perception
2019-06-27 - a journey through eternal Russia
2019-06-26 - the expectation of the near end of the world
2019-06-25 - God raised the crucified one on the third day
2019-06-24 - Committee On Un-American Activities
2019-06-24 - -
2019-06-23 - the stone knife of the divine Word on the foreskin of the heart
2019-06-22 - we are all one
2019-06-21 - Jonny
2019-06-21 - the quest for a theologically normative kerygma
2019-06-20 - the omnimodal simplicity of God
2019-06-19 - a person is a product of a community
2019-06-18 - hard drive
2019-06-17 - God's impassibility
2019-06-16 - true worship requires knowledge of the truth
2019-06-15 - blessedness which is in communion with God
2019-06-14 - the covenant has a condition
2019-06-13 - the aseity and independence of the divine esence
2019-06-12 - butterfly
2019-06-12 - the essence of God is imperceptible
2019-06-11 - a used books haul
2019-06-11 - Death Metal and watermelon
2019-06-10 - we know God by the theology which He breathes into us
2019-06-09 - without faith we are shut out of every hope of salvation
2019-06-08 - God works faith in conversion
2019-06-07 - the power of faith
2019-06-06 - Pink Mountaintops
2019-06-05 - will take his refuge in Christ
2019-06-05 - the majesty of Scripture
2019-06-04 - flip the meat
2019-06-03 - an endless series of unfinished sorrows
2019-06-02 - simply hearing does not save
2019-06-01 - charismatic continuationism
2019-05-31 - dawn of the Atomic Age
2019-05-30 - the new imperialism of global capitalism
2019-05-29 - primitive sacrifices to self-understanding
2019-05-28 - God created mankind
2019-05-27 - God would restore to the righteous the glory of Adam in the eschaton
2019-05-26 - the radical fall from Adam and Eve's original image-bearing glory
2019-05-25 - Jonny
2019-05-25 - the eternal salvation of many
2019-05-24 - the redemptive eschatological fulfillment of God's creational purposes
2019-05-23 - those who have been raised with Christ seek heavenly things
2019-05-22 - God in self-revelation
2019-05-21 - jelly beans
2019-05-20 - the one God
2019-05-19 - the order of reality in the Divine Economy
2019-05-18 - the sublimity of God's eternal plan
2019-05-17 - the same old sad lament
2019-05-17 - the beauty of the Lord
2019-05-16 - the Dutch Golden Age
2019-05-15 - a miniature golf course depicting major events in the life of Elvis Presley
2019-05-14 - gray catbird
2019-05-14 - a perfect day
2019-05-13 - Lenny Bruce is dead
2019-05-12 - Jonny
2019-05-12 - the end-time kingdom
2019-05-11 - King of the saints
2019-05-10 - a theory of the complete overthrow of the capitalist state
2019-05-09 - a libertarian theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat
2019-05-08 - memory loss
2019-05-07 - the revival of learning in the West
2019-05-06 - a concept of intellectual freedom
2019-05-05 - the Holy Spirit pierces the soul with the message of the Holy Scripture
2019-05-03 - existence
2019-05-03 - in the American wilderness
2019-05-02 - all things new
2019-05-01 - God is the initiator of salvation
2019-05-01 - May 2019 Diary
2019-04-30 - the illusion of individual freedom in the pyramid of global order
2019-04-29 - one big premeditated experiment in human consciousness
2019-04-28 - the Bible finds its unity in Christ
2019-04-27 - the assassination of Trotsky
2019-04-26 - the doctrine of individualist anarchism
2019-04-26 - field mouse
2019-04-25 - the dangers of a revolution of dark consciousness
2019-04-24 - the intellectual is always socially conditioned
2019-04-23 - carrying within itself the seeds of an anti-intellectual careerism
2019-04-22 - the progress of a traditionalist and barbaric social order
2019-04-21 - a decline of the intellectual energy and dynamism of the bourgeoisie
2019-04-20 - nightmare of the intellectual poverty of revolutionaries
2019-04-19 - killed himself with the sword of internal discipline
2019-04-18 - revelation is an act of divine sovereignty
2019-04-17 - the intellectual life of the Augustan's
2019-04-17 - The Reading the Humanities Tag
2019-04-16 - people with a taste for the paranoid psychology of the cult
2019-04-15 - God continually acts to display his divine attributes
2019-04-14 - the illumination of human beings by the Holy Spirit
2019-04-13 - the cessation of special revelation
2019-04-12 - Noam Chomsky
2019-04-11 - The Worker's Party of Marxist Unification
2019-04-10 - Christ stands above and rules over the cosmic powers
2019-04-09 - God is greater than man
2019-04-08 - in Jesus' resurrection the eschatological verdict of the last day has dawned
2019-04-08 - page 314 2019 Diary
2019-04-07 - God's plan to bless the world through Abraham's seed
2019-04-06 - the meaninglessness of his egg-packing job
2019-04-05 - God justifies the unclean
2019-04-04 - election in Christ as participation of the elect in the election of Christ
2019-04-03 - the world is infested with snakes
2019-04-02 - clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ
2019-04-01 - Christ-mysticism
2019-03-31 - the mystical union is the essence of true religion
2019-03-30 - the temple of the Spirit
2019-03-29 - disintegration of European civilization
2019-03-28 - the religion of patriotism
2019-03-27 - the Woman's Party
2019-03-26 - The Marshall Plan
2019-03-25 - our mind needs to be illuminated to understand the mind of God
2019-03-24 - it is through the Spirit that Christ communicates Himself
2019-03-23 - the image of dying and rising in Christ
2019-03-22 - as God gave the elect to his Son, the mystical union began to be active
2019-03-21 - the Cross
2019-03-20 - love your neighbor as yourself
2019-03-19 - The Final Fling
2019-03-18 - page 250 2019 Diary
2019-03-18 - the art of winning souls
2019-03-17 - the warped superiority of the American Left
2019-03-16 - all human beings are in their totality sinful
2019-03-15 - The Last Judgment
2019-03-14 - a war-torn world
2019-03-13 - two heads like two planets afloat in the immeasurable galaxies
2019-03-11 - titmouse
2019-03-11 - the violence of experts
2019-03-10 - without the cross there is no life
2019-03-09 - Your Readership Tag
2019-03-09 - a salvation that is transformational
2019-03-08 - the final eschatological judgment of all people by God
2019-03-07 - Jonny
2019-03-07 - spiritual formation
2019-03-06 - total absorption of believers into the Spirit's transformative activity
2019-03-05 - the Augustinian-Reformation tradition of interpretation
2019-03-04 - life of participation in Christ
2019-03-03 - a constant process of transformation
2019-03-02 - a block of dead ice
2019-03-01 - a low culture manifesto
2019-02-28 - restoration of Israel
2019-02-27 - these are dark days for white males
2019-02-26 - Poets were called The Music
2019-02-25 - the terrors of sacred nation theology
2019-02-24 - invisible man
2019-02-23 - Jonny
2019-02-23 - distortions of reality
2019-02-22 - the new perspective
2019-02-21 - choke on a bone
2019-02-20 - silence is golden
2019-02-20 - rustic retirement
2019-02-19 - the power of the Spirit
2019-02-19 - diary
2019-02-18 - snow moon
2019-02-18 - we value nothing in the world above our communion with God in Christ
2019-02-17 - the final vision of eternity
2019-02-16 - table fellowship
2019-02-16 - Jonny
2019-02-16 - the degrading effects of urbanization
2019-02-15 - the dominance of the machine in modern society
2019-02-14 - holy nature
2019-02-13 - sky diving
2019-02-13 - deep thought
2019-02-12 - the gospel story of Jesus
2019-02-11 - the inner person is serenely drawn to be occupied with Him
2019-02-10 - swallow the sun
2019-02-09 - ghost story
2019-02-08 - the hidden history
2019-02-07 - Jonny
2019-02-07 - humankind had never seen such destruction
2019-02-06 - a participation in the divine nature
2019-02-05 - infused contemplation
2019-02-04 - the Yellow Peril
2019-02-03 - an intimate immersion in the indwelling Trinity
2019-02-02 - the spiritual life leads to eternal life
2019-02-01 - Christian experience
2019-01-31 - the Armenian genocide
2019-01-30 - Arctic Blast
2019-01-30 - Wonderful Words Of Life
2019-01-29 - the priesthood of the Son
2019-01-28 - he was sent by the Father for our redemption
2019-01-27 - wolves of the red sun
2019-01-26 - the eschatological descent of God to judge and defend
2019-01-25 - Jonny
2019-01-25 - pilgrim through this barren land
2019-01-24 - diary-keeping
2019-01-24 - the rise of the Flaneur
2019-01-23 - another stage in escalation of conflict to global war level
2019-01-22 - there are no grocery stores in Hell
2019-01-21 - time travel
2019-01-20 - anxiety disorder
2019-01-19 - Jonny
2019-01-19 - autofiction
2019-01-18 - a fortress of sorrow
2019-01-17 - Lake effect snow
2019-01-16 - my study desk
2019-01-16 - small world
2019-01-15 - the middle of the month
2019-01-14 - the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect
2019-01-13 - the East German State
2019-01-12 - America on the way to war
2019-01-11 - Jonny
2019-01-11 - they that are in the flesh cannot please God
2019-01-10 - the Risen Christ
2019-01-09 - the Father's will toward human beings is good
2019-01-08 - gun shell casings
2019-01-07 - apple pie
2019-01-07 - the presence of a divine spirit
2019-01-06 - soar in flames
2019-01-05 - Ontological Equality
2019-01-04 - Jonny
2019-01-04 - the love of God
2019-01-03 - the Son and the Father share the same will to save human beings
2019-01-02 - junco
2019-01-02 - some are born to endless nights
2019-01-01 - first day of 2019
2018-12-31 - the living Father
2018-12-30 - last Sunday of the year 2018
2018-12-29 - The Book of Signs
2018-12-28 - Night is The End
2018-12-27 - God does not share His glory with another
2018-12-26 - red-breasted nuthatch
2018-12-26 - he bears witness by his spirit in the hearts of the elect
2018-12-25 - whoever hears and believes has eternal life
2018-12-25 - Jonny
2018-12-24 - still feeling under the weather
2018-12-23 - America
2018-12-22 - sick
2018-12-21 - my favorite reads of the Year 2018
2018-12-21 - matter and energy are different manifestations of the same thing
2018-12-20 - they should cease from caring for the luxuries of the flesh
2018-12-19 - the fourth dimension
2018-12-18 - believe and you will be saved
2018-12-17 - we are but pilgrims
2018-12-16 - to approach the cloud-covered summit of Mount Sinai naked of all concepts
2018-12-16 - finch
2018-12-15 - spiritual direction
2018-12-15 - the strange knowledge of God
2018-12-15 - the liberating dynamism of stillness
2018-12-14 - thus her desire for the vision of God is painless
2018-12-13 - the luminous darkness
2018-12-13 - The Spiritual Canticle Stanza 39 St. John of the Cross
2018-12-12 - sitting without sitting
2018-12-11 - the Jesus Prayer
2018-12-11 - Jonny
2018-12-10 - planetary breakdown of the earth's life-support systems
2018-12-09 - the heights of divine union
2018-12-09 - food
2018-12-08 - the eternal bond of love
2018-12-07 - the awakening of the self
2018-12-06 - grace dwells in the depths of his intellect
2018-12-06 - dispassionate understanding of God
2018-12-05 - page 1037 2018 Diary
2018-12-05 - experiencing unity with God
2018-12-05 - "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?" Hosea 11:8
2018-12-04 - take me out to the ball game
2018-12-04 - the essential substance of the Godhead
2018-12-03 - the rain will wash the blood off the road
2018-12-02 - Memorial Service
2018-12-01 - the concept of free choice
2018-12-01 - December 2018 Diary
2018-11-30 - Jonny
2018-11-30 - the law of the Spirit
2018-11-29 - the one divine nature
2018-11-28 - terror of conscience
2018-11-27 - Jonny
2018-11-27 - by sovereign grace the elect will be ushered into perfect glory
2018-11-27 - Decretal theology exalts God and abases man
2018-11-26 - The Flaming Lips
2018-11-25 - the world of high European high modernism
2018-11-25 - My Jesus, I love Thee
2018-11-24 - the Near East
2018-11-24 - cosmic conflict
2018-11-23 - slaves of Christ
2018-11-22 - the immorality of the soul
2018-11-21 - torn asunder
2018-11-20 - the energy of the gospel
2018-11-20 - Christ is the source of grace
2018-11-19 - Manichean anthropomorphic conceptions of God
2018-11-18 - face death
2018-11-17 - my life is an open epistle of the grace of God
2018-11-16 - the gospel trumpet
2018-11-15 - the land of the living
2018-11-14 - the powerful presence of God
2018-11-13 - he heard the roar of a miracle coming, a long beak looking for snakes
2018-11-12 - flying away by the power of Spirit to the right hand of the Father
2018-11-11 - page 944 November 2018 Diary
2018-11-11 - The Last Days
2018-11-10 - the end of the American century
2018-11-09 - American War
2018-11-08 - Jonny
2018-11-08 - the ghosts of the murdered Romanov family
2018-11-07 - ghosts on the roof
2018-11-06 - page 931 2018 Diary
2018-11-06 - The Harlem Renaissance
2018-11-05 - wander among wild animals
2018-11-04 - God Bless America
2018-11-03 - deliver us from evil
2018-11-02 - load our guns for the final showdown (Election Day November 6)
2018-11-01 - cross-bearing as a fundamental description of the Christian life
2018-11-01 - Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah
2018-10-31 - the crypto-Protestant climate of the public church
2018-10-30 - the human mind
2018-10-29 - God's love for the human race
2018-10-28 - the bee has a concept of a flower
2018-10-27 - there is no good beyond God
2018-10-26 - the brink of nuclear war
2018-10-25 - He'll love his own to endless day
2018-10-25 - pipe bomb
2018-10-24 - Flea Market
2018-10-24 -