glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


old diary entry September 19, 2003 Family


It is 7:53 AM Thursday morning. I got out of bed this morning around 6:30 AM. Carol had gotten up around 4:30 AM this morning. When I got up I found Carol looking through a morning newspaper and watching the News on TV. I got myself a cup of coffee and sat in the dining room waking up to another day in a fallen world.

This morning I found out that my long lost sister Danielle had added me to her Facebook friends list. We look forward to Danielle's phone call today. I plan to give her Mike's phone numbers and my brother Robert's last phone numbers.

So here I sit in the lower level listening to music and trying to digest getting back in contact with my little sister after 40 years. Weird.

How Danielle's daughter found me is that when Josiah was a student at Calvin College he put on a ancestry of my Grandfather James Beatty online several years ago.

You will notice in Mike's biography in the Washington Post he does not mention having a birth mother or sisters and brothers. Weird.

I am so glad we have found each other after all these years! When you talk to Robin you will discover I am not one to call or write. I am not good at maintaining family ties. Forgive me. Well I look forward to talking to you and finding out more about your life/Past etc. . . love Jonny Ray

"Though he was born in Washington, Williamson grew up in a series of foster homes and orphanages in more than 15 states, a situation that he says led to a love of travel. He and a collaborator, writer Dale Maharidge, have produced three books, one of which,"And Their Children After Them", received a Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1990. The pair's first book, "Journey to Nowhere: The Saga of the New Underclass," was the inspiration for several of the songs on Bruce Springsteen's album, "The Ghost of Tom Joad"; Springsteen wrote the introduction for the book's latest edition."

my life story

who was who

Beatty, James Laughead, cons. engr.; b. Uniontown Pa., Nov. 29, 1893; p. John Calvin and Anna (Laughead). E. B.S. State Coll. 1915; m. Maude Hewitt June 30,1920 (dec.) m. 2d. Rubie Rae Hill July 3,1924 (dec.) children Billie Rae (Mrs. C. C. Cook). James Lamar, Valerie Ann (Mrs. John Thomas). Chemist, plant. engr. . . Home: Berkeley, CA. Died May 11, 1968

James L. Beatty was my Grandfather. Billie Rae was my Aunt. James Lamar Beatty was my Uncle and Valerie Ann was my Mother-they are all dead now. I never knew my Grandma Rubie Rae. My mother died Dec. 21,1968 coming home from work. She was killed by a speeding ambulance. There was no funeral for my mother. She was cremated. I do not know where her ashes are at? My Aunt died many years ago from throat cancer. I do not remember how my Uncle died? My Grandfather died from diabetes. I still have two Bibles my Grandfather gave me as Christ Mass gifts. I have one those Bibles next to me right now. It is signed Johnny Keen Dec. 1960. I wrote underneath from Grandpa 1960.

My mother was killed when she was 35 years old. I was 16 years old at the time of her death. My mother's death had a profound effect on me. I am always waiting for one of my loved ones to die. Every day I am expecting it all to end and back to being alone on the streets. When it comes to an end I tell myself "It has been a good ride, but now it is over." I am always waiting for the house to burn down. I am always waiting for death to strike one of us the Keen pack. Death is always waiting in the shadows ready to pounce. How long will my luck hold out? When will the sky crack and the earth explode?

6:18 p.m. - 2003-09-19

10:19 p.m. - 2023-02-05


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