glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


ignorance of the Trinity is ignorance of the gospel

It is 12:19 PM Thursday afternoon here in Western Michigan. It is cloudy and 50 degrees outside this afternoon. We are predicted to get rain showers today.

I got up this morning around 7:35 AM and when I came upstairs I found Carol eating breakfast. I took my morning pills and talked to Carol about what I had read last night. Next Carol read from a devotional book and then we prayed. After prayer Carol left to go grocery shopping and I spent the morning reading my books and writing in my paper diary. So has gone by this day thus far. This afternoon we will watch college football. We are babysitting Josie this afternoon.

I have been mainly reading from these two books today-'Biblical Reasoning-Christology And Trinitarian Rules For Exegesis' by R.B. Jamieson and Tyler R. Wittman and 'Carthusian Spirituality-The Writings of Hugh of Balma And Guigo De Ponte' [The Classics of Western Spirituality].

I am tired so I will close to wait. It will soon be over.

"Being thence admonished to return to myself, I entered even into my inward self, Thou being my Guide, and able I was, for Thou wert become my Helper. And I entered and beheld with the eye of my soul (such as it was), above the same eye of my soul, above my mind, the Light Unchangeable. Not this ordinary light, which all flesh may look upon, nor as it were a greater of the same kind, as though the brightness of this should be manifold brighter, and with its greatness take up all space. Nor such was this light, but the other, yea, far other from all these. Nor was it above my soul, as oil is above water, nor yet as heaven above earth: but above my soul, because It made me; and I below It, because I was made by It. He that knows the Truth, knows what that Light is; and he that knows It, knows eternity. Love knoweth it. O Truth Who art Eternity! and Love Who art Truth! Eternity Who art Love! Thou art my God, to Thee do I sigh night and day. Thee when I first knew, Thou liftedst me up, that I might see there was what I might see, and that I was not yet such as to see. And Thou didst beat back the weakness of my sight, streaming forth Thy beams of light upon me most strongly, and I trembled with love and awe: and I perceived myself to be far off from Thee, in the region of unlikeness, as if I heard this Thy voice from on high: "I am the food of grown men; grow and thou shalt feed upon Me; nor shalt thou convert Me, like the food of thy flesh, into thee, but thou shall be converted into Me." And I learned that Thou for iniquity chastenest man, and Thou madest my soul to consume away like a spider. And I said, "Is Truth therefore nothing because it is not diffused through space finite or infinite?" And Thou criedst to me from afar: "Yea verily, I AM that I AM." And I heard, as the heart heareth, nor had I room to doubt, and I should sooner doubt that I live, than that Truth is not, which is clearly seen, being understood by those things which are made." Saint Augustine

12:28 p.m. - 2022-12-29


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