glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


the final fruit of faith

the final fruit of faith

I got out of the egg pit at 1:30 PM today which is ok with me since I trust the Lord to keep us from being homeless. It is a pay day so on the way home I went to the Credit Union and then came home. I found a note from Carol telling me she was out doing errands (she leaves this evening for her vacation). I cleaned up and ate food. I then read Pitchfork Media and livejournal. So time keeps going by. I am writing to the music of Sonic Youth. It is hot outside today so Carol had turned on the air conditioner. Carol has been cleaning the house and it looks cozy this tomb in suburbia. I am thankful to the Lord I can come home to a clean place to hang out to the end of my existence here on earth. "So it was that the begger died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried" Luke 16:22.

I had nothing new and exciting on my mind at work today. At lunch break instead of writing down stuff in my diary I read some of the book "The Marks Of God's Children" by Jean Taffin (1529-1602) "Unbelieving, unfaithful people pay no attention at all to their salvation, or they look for it somewhere other than in Christ Jesus. Contrast that with the believer, who longs for salvation and knows that it is found nowhere except in Jesus Christ alone. He also seeks it in him in the hope that his assurance of salvation will increase. Although he does not have a clear experience of the Holy Spirit's peace, which is the final fruit of faith, remember that it is not written, "Whoever feels . . . " but "Whoever believes has eternal life."

As faith itself belongs to the things that are not seen, so too the knowledge that I believe consists more in assurance than in understanding. This is apparent in David's complaint, which Christ quoted: "My God, my God, why have your forsaken me?" (Ps. 22:1). In the words "My God, my God" we hear the language of faith, but the knowledge and experience of God's favor is missing, as is evident in the complaint, "Why have you forsaken me?"

So faith can be so small and weak that it does not yet produce fruit that revitalizes us. But if those who find themselves in this situation cry out to God in their prayers, those prayers and pleas are proofs that God's Spirit lives in them and that they already have faith . . ." pg.50

Well I am tired and need to rest. No plans for evening hours. Existence keeps going by.

[listening to Sonic Youth "Dirty" [Bonus Tracks] Deluxe Edition]

3:42 p.m. - 2003-09-17


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