glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


an exercise in hermeneutical manipulation

It is 10:57 AM Tuesday morning. Right now the sun is shining. When I got up this morning the sky was overcast. I do not remember what time I got up this morning. Maybe I am still in bed and all this is a bad american dream?

I do remember getting up and shutting all the windows. Before going to bed last night I opened up the house to let in the cold night air. I then made myself a cup of tea and read stuff on the internet. Around 8 o'clock AM I sat down in the dining room to morning dream till Carol got home from work.

Carol got home from work around 9 o'clock AM and ate some toast and went to bed. She is off from work tonight and tomorrow night.

I took Rudy for a walk at Kollen Park this morning. The waves were rough this morning on Lake Macatawa. A pretty morning by the Lake though.

Now I am sitting in front of my computer writing out a report. I have no plans for the day. I am sure existence go by. I am a prisoner to Time. I can not escape the claws of Time. Each day I am growing old. My prayer is the each day I am being conformed more and more to the image of Christ Jesus.

Last night I watched television till 12:45 AM and went to bed. That mocha shake I bought last night at Lemonjello's coffee cafe wired me.

So much more could be recorded in case I get hit by a bus today, but I am weary of writing words that end in silence.

I have been trying to read these books lately in my state of exile---

"The War Of The End Of The World" a novel by Mario Vargas Llosa

"Beginnings: Ancient Christian Readings of the Biblical Creation Narratives" by Peter C. Bouteneff

Well I will close to feel out of it. I have been thinking of going someplace today, but why?

music: Ray Lamontagne "Till The Sun Turns Black"

11:23 a.m. - 2008-10-14


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