glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


the Fall as a chronological event

It is 9:04 PM Monday night. It is a hot night. I took Rudy for a walk this evening and when I got home I was burning hot. It is suppose to be not so warm tomorrow. It is weird to have hot weather in the month of October. I noticed the recent hot weather is causing the trees to turn color sooner this year. Also the trees are dropping their forage sooner. Soon all the trees will be bare. I wonder if there will be autumn colors left when we are in Boston next week?

I had a simple day today. Nothing wild happened. I mainly wrote in my personal diary and read my books. I mainly read today a novel titled "The War Of The End Of The World" by Mario Vargas Llosa. I also read some of the book "Beginnings: Ancient Christian Readings of the Biblical Creation Narratives" by Peter C. Bouteneff.

I also have been reading when possible from these volumes on the biblical doctrine of man---

"Reformed Dogmatics: God And Creation" Volume Two by Herman Bavinck

"Reformed Dogmatics: Holy Spirit, Church, And New Creation" Volume Four by Herman Bavinck

"Jesus Christ: Savior & Lord" [Christian Foundations] by Donald G. Bloesch (Chapter Two THE PLIGHT OF HUMANITY)

"Created in God's Image" by Anthony A. Hoekema

"The True Image: The Origin And Destiny Of Man In Christ" by Philip Edgcumbe Hughes

"The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei In Genesis 1" by J. Richard Middleton

"The Fall And Sin: What We Have Become As Sinners" by Marguerite Shuster

So here I sit in front of my computer burning up. Maybe I should turn on the air conditioner to cool my hot Self off? I should open all the windows and pray for a cool wind to blow through the oven house.

This evening after Carol left for work I took Rudy for a walk downtown Holland. While downtown I picked up a book I had ordered titled "Wake Up: A Life of the Buddha" by Jack Kerouac.

I really have nothing new to report this evening. Carol got home from her luncheon around 3:45 PM and went to bed. She got up around 7 o'clock PM and went to work at 7:55 PM. After she left for work I took Rudy for a walk downtown Holland. It is a hot humid night!

I plan to watch at 10 o'clock PM a television show. I got a mocha shake before coming home this evening, so I might have a difficult time falling asleep tonight. I have been up since 5:30 AM this morning. Time is flying by. Soon we will all be dust.

I will close to wait for my TV show to come on. Maybe I will write more later if I am not able to pass out from exhaustion.

music: Jason Collett "Here's To Being Here"

9:38 p.m. - 2008-10-13


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