glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


The Lord will be at war with Amalek throughout the ages

The Lord will be at war with Amalek throughout the ages

It is Sunday afternoon and I am tired. I feel empty right now. I need to wake up and make this day meaningful. I do not like sleeping on Sunday afternoons. Carol and I went to church this morning. We left at 9:08 AM and got home around 11:20 AM. Carol cooked dinner and we ate. I read to Carol from the book "God: A Biography" by Jack Miles as she cooked and as we ate. I would read to her from the book material that I thought was questionable and then we would seek to think of a balance biblical answer to what Miles had set forth in his book. Miles tends to distort the teachings of the Old Testament from our evangelical point of view. If I had the presence of mind I would like to write a review-meditation on the book "God: A Biography". I told Carol it would be neat to have an Adult Sunday school class reading "God: A Biography" and Miles other book "Christ: A Crisis In The Life Of God" and then discussing the books-have the class members search the Bible for the Truth-correct understanding of the Scriptures. So Carol and I had a discussion centered around the book "God: A Biography" this morning. I wish I had someone who has read the book "God: A Biography" and could tell me the truth. Most Christians I know would not read Miles book because they would consider it blasphemous. I read "God: A Biography" because it makes me think through what I believe-understand the Bible to teach about the God of the Bible. I claim to know God so if I read something in Miles book that I find fault with I have to ask myself "Why do I disagree with that statement?"

I do not know what I will do this afternoon? I suppose I will close to feel out of it. I am listening to the Jim Yoshi Pile-Up. Carol and Bethany have gone to bed. Existence keeps flowing by.

1:35 p.m. - 2003-02-09


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