glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


Good Friday

Good Friday

I am very tired from the work week-the time right now is 5:39 PM-nothing came for me in the mail-when I got home from work I found Carol home-she had just gotten back from errands-I ate something and looked through the morning paper-next I cleaned up and ate dinner-Carol went to bed to sleep till it is time for her to get up and get ready for work-Bethany is working-tomorrow she leaves for Los Angeles Calif.-it will be strange to have my little girl gone for a week-she is getting oldier and we have to let her go-so here I sit wasted from work-work was a killer today! I think I need to sit and rest this evening-I am dead.

At work I made notes and stuff I might write on when I feel alive---

1. Jack Kerouac collection/influence

2. memories of my mother

3. Reality concerning books and music

4. Story of my life

5. the life of Jesus take a look/Christianity

6. Kerouac Desolation Angel lesson

7. the life of my brother Mike who works for the Washington Post

check out my brother's web site at the Washington Post-you will notice we look alike in some ways.

Last night I watched television with Carol from 9:27 PM till 10 o'clock-we went to bed around 10:15 PM.

I am going to close to do nothing-it is Good Friday-at work I had many thoughts on Good Friday which is the day Christians celebrate the Cross death of the Son of God Jesus Christ-usually on Good Friday one goes to a church service to hear a sermon on one the seven last sayings of the Lord Jesus spoken from the Cross. I collect books on the death of Christ. If I was not so tired I would write more on the death of Christ-I did at work reflect on these verses from the Gospel of John that we read the other night "The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him, and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29-I am reminded here of Lord's Day 15 of the Heidelberg Catehism Question 37 What dost thou understand by the words: HE SUFFERED? Ans. That he all the time that he lived on earth, but especially at the end of his life, sustained in body and soul the wrath of God against the sins of mankind; that so, by his passion, as the only propitiatory sacrifice, he might redeem our body and soul from everlasting damnation, and obtain for us the favor of God, righteousness, and eternal life."

"II. The cause of our Lord's sufferings. The substitution of Christ for sinners exposed him to the wrath of God against sinners, and, as that divine wrath is manifested in the sufferings which are the punishment for sin, so, as the Catechism teaches us, the cause of Christ's sufferings could be nothing else than the wrath of God laying upon him the punishment which we deserve. There can be no suffering but that which proceeds from the wrath of God against sin. Yet the wrath of God was not against our Lord personally, because he was without sin; but against the sinners whom he represented. It was as if, when the bolts of divine vengeance were launched against sinners, our Lord put himself before them, sheltering them with his own person and receiving them on his own body and soul. He himself was, and continued to be, throughout the whole of his sufferings, the beloved of the Father; and it was because he was the beloved of the Father; and it was because he was the beloved of the Father that his sufferings had their great merit of propitiation. . ." pg. 356 "Guilt, Grace and Gratitude-Lectures on the Heidelberg Catechism" volume 1 by George W. Bethune. I will close to sit and look at the book "The Glory of Christ" by Peter Lewis for evening devotions. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:14-16

8:06 p.m. - 2002-03-29


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