glorycloud's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the book of life It is 2:01 PM Saturday afternoon on a cloudy afternoon. It has been predicted to rain this evening. I got up this morning around 7:45 AM. I got up when I heard Carol leave to have breakfast with a friend. When I came upstairs it was only me to face the morning hours. This morning I did the usual, nothing unusual. I wrote in my paper diary and read till Noon from these two books-'From Heaven He Came and Sought Her-Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective' Edited by David Gibson & Jonathan Gibson and 'Predestination In Early Modern Reformed Theology' essays by Richard A. Muller. Carol got home around 9:25 AM and we had morning devotions-read a chapter in The Epistle to the Romans/New Testament/Bible-'The Valley of Vision'-closed in prayer. This afternoon I left the house to visit two near by thrift stores to look at their used books-I bought these used books today. I will close for the day since it is not worth the trouble. Last night I read these books before going to bed in case you are curious-'Miss MacIntosh, My Darling' A Novel by M. Young, 'Born Under Saturn' by Margot And Rudolf Wittewer, A Whole World-Letters From James Merrill' Edited by Langdon Hammer And Stephen Tenser, and 'A Childhood-The Biography of A Place' by Harry Crews. 'Natural Rivals: John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, and the Creation of America's Public Lands' biography/American history by John Clayton 'Reading Claudius: A Memoir In Two Parts' by Caroline Heller 'The Locals' A Novel by Jonathan Dee 'Shrines Of Gaiety' A Novel by Kate Atkinson 'The Other Side Of Silence' A Bernie Gunther Thriller by Philip Kerr 'I Am Mary Dunne' a novel by Brian Moore 'The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI' American history by Betty Medsger 'The Lady in Red: An Eighteenth-Century Tale Of Sex, Scandal, And Divorce' British history/biography by Hallie Rubenhold 'The Poet Assassinated And Other Stories' by Guillaume Apollinaire Translated From The French By Ron Padgett 'The Infinite Passion of Expectation: Twenty-Five Stories' by Gina Berriault 'Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life' by Tom Robbins 2:21 p.m. - 2024-06-08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |