glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


the patten of religious authority

I do not know what time it is right now? I know it is pass 10 0'clock AM. I cam downtown Holland for unknown reasons. I am at Lemonjello's coffee cafe having a mocha and a muffin. I do not why I am having a mocha or a muffin? I had a couple cups of coffee this morning when I got up to face the day. The weather is ugly today, but not extremely cold. It is gray and cold outside right now, no sunshine to speak of.

Last night I watched television from 7:30 PM till 11 o'clock PM. I went to bed and read "Middlemarch" till sometime past Midnight.

I always forget to bring CD's and my earphones when I come here for coffee. I forget that people are talking all around me and I can not hear clearly my inner voice. Right now across from me are two girls talking and I want to listen to their voices and not my own inner voice.

I have next to me two books The Bible and a book I bought many years ago when I was working at a skid row Mission in Richmond Calif. titled "The Pattern of Religious Authority" by Bernard Ramm. I bought this book around 1975 from a bookstore in Oakland Calif. (the college girls across from me are talking about boyfriends)

This morning I got out of bed around 7:48 AM. I was having a dream when I woke up where I was about to preach the glorious gospel of salvation, but I felt uncomfortable because I did not have a shirt on. I could not stand before a crowd of people with no shirt on. Weird dream.

When I got up this morning I made a pot of coffee and Carol arrived home from work. She is now off for four days from work. Carol told me about her work night. And I told her what was on my mind. Since I have been reading the Bible every day lately the Word of God has been on my mind. I have seen anew the divine unity of the Bible. The Bible is one grand story of salvation-I can see how everything in the Bible is connected.
In a way the Lord Jesus Christ is the center of the Bible.

Well I am being driven nuts by the girls across from me talking. Maybe I will close down and go to Western Theological Seminary to write in quiet. The seminary is just down the stree from this coffee cafe.

I will close with a quote from the book "The Pattern of Religious Authority" by Bernard Ramm---

"The witness of the Spirit focuses at the center of the divine revelation-the person and work of Jesus Christ. After the Spirit has bound the believer to the center of the divine revelation, the believer perceives the totality of revelation. The conviction of divinity associated with the gospel spreads to include the total canon. Parenthetically speaking, it must be made clear that the Spirit witnesses to the divinity of the Scripture, not to its canon. That is, the limits of the canon cannot be settled by the inner witness of the Spirit. The fathers of the Reformed Church, "as little as we, ought to determine the 'canon'-which is a matter of history-on the basis of the testimonium Spiritus Sancti-which is a matter of experience: on that basis is determined not the 'canon' but 'the Word of God,'" writes Warfield.

The pattern of authority is then as follows:
(1.) Christ, who is the living, personal Word of God, the supreme revelation of God, the supreme depository of the knowledge of God (Col. 2:3)
(2.) The Holy Spirit, who conveys revelation, who delegates its authority, and who witnesses to its divinity.
(3.) The Sacred Scripture, which are inspired by the Holy Spirit and therefore the document of revelation, which witnesses supremely to Jesus Christ, and which are the Spirit's instrument in effecting illumination." pg. 36 Bernard Ramm

music: Sonic Youth "EVOL"

1:33 p.m. - 2009-02-12


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