glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


What is Real christianity?

It is 9 o�clock PM Sunday night in the flow of existence. I tired but there is nothing to do but write so here it goes.

Today when Carol and girls got home from church (Covenant PCA) they said the minister preached against postmodernism. Carol told me Beth had told her the minister sounded like he was on a witch-hunt.

I told the girls that I considered myself a postmodern. But what did I mean by calling myself �postmodern�? I am postmodern in that I do not believe the Reformed faith is the absolute truth. I do not believe classical Calvinism to be a pure reflection of New Testament spirituality. I believe we are to go by the teachings of the Bible and not follow a theological system. A theological system is something made by men. Calvinism is not the Word of God.

I explained to the girls how I came to see classical Reformed theology was not based on the teachings of the Bible. I won�t repeat what I said this afternoon since I have been writing about it for years in my blogs. I hate being a broken record.

I do not think Reformed theology is Pauline theology (based solely on the teachings of the Apostle Paul). I believe there is no Christian community in the world that has ALL the truth. It is up to each individual Christian to read the Bible and follow its teachings. To be a Christian is to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Who has the right to tell all those who profess to be a Christian that Reformed spirituality are the only way to live the Christian life?

I am always asking myself �What is real?� What I mean is how does a professing Christian live his or her life day by day in this crazy world? How many professing Christians can explain to someone the historical Reformed Faith? How many people in Calvinistic churches can explain to someone classical Reformed covenantal theology?

It all comes down to what is real not something up in the head of some zealous Reformed theologian.

What I am always amazed by is how many Reformed elders are ignorant of modern New Testament theology. In conservative Reformed churches what is preached is not the teachings of the Bible, but Reformed theology.

We can think we are �spiritual� because we get an intellectual high from hearing solid classical Reformed theology preached from a pulpit. Is God a system of 17th century Reformed doctrine?

What we need to do as Christians is read our Bibles and pray. We need to follow the teachings of the New Testament in the strength of the Holy Spirit.

I will read those papers on postmodernism by Calvinist and share my thoughts this week.

9:23 p.m. - 2008-07-13


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