glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


the election of grace

It is 4:09 PM Sunday afternoon HERE. It has been a sunny windy day. I can't recall right now if we are expecting rain either tonight or tomorrow. Like I have confessed lately my memory is fading. Also what is important is to accept whatever comes our way. The weather is beyond our control. We are both thankful for a roof over our gray hair, so we won't get soaked from rain showers.

I got up this morning around 6:15 AM. During the night Ollie woke up a couple of times, because he wanted to eat. Caleb gets up early and feds him, so Carol got up around 5 o'clock AM because Ollie kept coming by side of the bed where she was sleep begging for her to get up and fed him. Now our son only gives Ollie a half cup of food in the mornings and half a cup of dry dog food at Noon. I am surprised Ollie can survive on such a small amount of dry dog food a day, but he is a small dog. When Carol and I had our last dog we filled up his dog dish with dry food and he would eat whenever he felt like it. He meaning our last dog was always getting treats and leftovers, so he was always full. Ollie wants to eat constantly, because my guess is that he is constantly hungry. But dogs generally like food since life for beasts is pretty boring (do dogs get bored?).

I have spent the day doing the usual. Carol left for church around 8:25 AM and got home around 12:35 PM. I spent the morning reading William Perkins and writing in my paper diary. I did film a video this morning reading to my subscribers William Perkins from his Exposition on the Creed "I believe in a holy catholic church". The church is made up of the Elect so Perkins goes into how a person/a professing Christian can know he or she is of the election of grace/a true child of God and not a reprobate/one of the non-elect The Damned.

This afternoon Carol took a nap since she will soon go back to church. While Carol was sleeping I kept Ollie company upstairs reading from a book I have been reading lately titled, 'The Aesthetic Adventure' by William Gaunt. I ordered used last night another book by William Gaunt titled, 'The Pre-Raphaelite Dream'. I plan to read this evening some more of the book, 'The Story Of A Life' by Konstantin Paustovsky/I am almost finished reading this book 779 pages. I plan to get back into reading this week a novel I started recently titled, 'Divine Days' by Leon Forrest 1140 pages and I have read thus far 584 pages of this massive work.

I suppose I will close. Tomorrow morning a fellow is suppose to be here to work on installing floor boards at 7 o'clock AM. Hopefully we can get our Stuff moved back into the house this coming Wednesday.

4:30 p.m. - 2023-07-16


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