glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


Christ the end of the Torah

It is now in the holy flow 1:28 PM Tuesday afternoon. It has been thus far a quiet day in the neighborhood. I have not heard any lawn mowers today. Our neighbor on the left side of our house mows his lawn every day. I think he is obsessive about having a perfect middle class lawn. I like to keep our lawn looking natural. I love Nature. I am not seeking an earthly paradise.

Right now I am sitting in my main study writing on my new Samsung lap top computer. I have not turned on my old lap top located in the lower level. The problem about writing in this study is that there is no room on this desk to spread books out. My desk is covered with junk well not junk but stuff like stacks of books, pens, cameras etc. . . I like to have objects around me that remind me of my short span of time on this planet earth. For example on my study desk is a soup ceramic cup that I use to eat out of over 37 years ago when I lived out in the woods in the Richmond Hills, California.

Today I received in the mail a book I had ordered titled, "God's Saving Grace: A Pauline Theology" by Frank J. Matera. I am a student of Pauline Theology (the theology of the apostle Paul NT), I have in my library two other books by Frank J.

"New Testament Christology" by Frank J. Matera

"Galatians" a commentary in the Sacra Pagina series by Frank J. Matera

This morning I read among other things volume titled, "Galatians, Ephesians" New Testament [Reformation Commentary On Scripture] Edited by Gerald L. Bray. I have been reading in this book the commentary on the Letter to the Galatians. It is interesting to read what the Reformers and others had to say on Galatians. I have been studying Galatians for many years. I am a student of the apostle Paul and the Torah.

One the reasons why I do not go to church is because most Christians have an unbiblical view of the role of the Torah in the Christian life.

I also read today on Galatians from a book titled, "The New Testament: A Historical and Theological Introduction" by Donald A. Hagner.

This afternoon I have been reading "Gathering Evidence" a memoir by Thomas Bernhard. Well I will close to read my books and pray.

music: The Angels Of Light "We Are Him"

2:17 p.m. - 2013-07-23


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