glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


restoration of communion between God and man

It is 12:22 PM Wednesday afternoon. It has been a typical day thus far. Not much to jump up and down about.

I got up this morning around 6:44 AM. I was having a dream where I was in some huge basement expecting to be spooked by ghosts when I decided I had enough and got out of bed.

When I got up I made a pot of coffee and read some more of the Gospel of Matthew (one of the four Gospels in the New Testament).

Carol got home from work around 10 o�clock AM and went to bed. I went to the credit union to get some money to take with me to a used book sale at Hope College here in town. After checking out the used book sale (I saw nothing that blew me away) I took Rudy for a walk. On the way I stopped at the local public library to pick up something that was set aside for us. I came home and ate some food. Now I am down in the basement writing in my blogs.

I should go outside and rake some leaves since it is not raining presently. I also should make apple sauce this afternoon. I rather do nothing but dream of paradise in my cell. I need some day to get realistic.

Last night I wrote in my blogs since there was nothing on television worth watching. I went to bed around 10:45 PM and read �Samuel Johnson: The Struggle� by Jeffrey Meyers till Midnight.

This morning after reading the Gospel of Matthew I read �The Aims of Jesus� by Ben F. Meyer With a New Introduction by N. T. Wright. I found this interesting from Meyer�s book�

�As Jesus combined his proclamation with exorcisms and cures, he commissioned the twelve to do likewise (Matt. 10:7f.; Mark 3:14f.; 6:7; Luke 9:1f.). In fact, the commissioning of the twelve throws a shaft of light on the significance of the exorcisms and cures. The disciples� mission, like that of Jesus, was a distinct eschatological task: the winning over of God�s people. Hence, proclamation, cures, and exorcisms were strictly reserved for �the lost sheep� that were �the house of Israel� (Matt. 15:24; 10:6). Cures and exorcisms imaged and actualized the reign of God (cf. Matt. 12:28 par.) and, like the reign of God itself, were an entirely gratuitous gift (Matt. 10:8b-10). The restoration of Israel evoked its paradisal beginning in the wilderness where, prior to the sin with the golden calf, there were �none with fluxes, no lepers, no dumb, blind, or deaf, no imbeciles, and even death was ruled out.� The theme correlates with Jesus� compassion for �this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen years� (Luke 13:16. Exorcisms and cures signified the perfection of Israel restored and began to actualize it already.� pg. 157 Ben Meyer

Well it is going on 1 o�clock PM Wednesday afternoon. I will go rake our front yard and make apple sauce.

music: Lightning Bolt �Earthly Delights�

12:52 p.m. - 2009-10-28


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