glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


\"trash dancers\"-and involved fast punk beats, excessive harmonies, surf guitar and fake German lyrics

The day goes by so so. The computer tells me the time is now 3:02 PM. Around 1 o'clock PM I left the house with Rudy to go to Kollens Park to enjoy the sun and to gaze on Lake Michigan. It is a pretty blue sky pretty day. So we left to go for a walk by Lake Macatawa. First before goint to Kollens Park we went to Lemonjello's to get a mocha and then to Reader's World to pick up the newest issue of Skyscraper #22 [Build To Spill, Cursive, Tortoise, The Futureheads, Boris, Grizzly Bear, Oakley Hall, Amps For Christ, Flin Flon, Shooting At Unarmed Men, The Creeping Nobodies, OM, Darker My Love, Akimbo, Die Princess Die, Mikaela's Fiend, SSM plus An Acid-Folk Primer, Tape Labels: The Will to Obscurity and much more] a music magazine. While at Reader's World I picked up the new issue of Rolling Stone because Bob Dylan was on the front cover. One of the owner's of the bookstore told me about a book I might want titled "February House" by Sherill House since I am into Paul and Jane Bowles. I told Jeff to order the book for me. I left the bookstore for Kollens Park.

Kollens Park was full of people celebrating a national holy day by frying meat and drinking beer. I walked Rudy by the Lake and then sat on a bench drinking my mocha and reading "Skyscraper" (I put Rudy in the car because he kept barking for me to take him for another walk).

I read in "Skycraper" an article interview with Grizzly Bear while enjoying the water, clouds and sunlight. An old man sat near me also enjoying the late summer day. We were two old men sitting by a lake watching the colors of nature blaze before our eyes.

When I got home I cooked myself some food and cleaned the kitchen. Carol is sleeping and my typical american existence goes by normal.

I do not know what I will do next to keep myself from falling asleep? I suppose I will close to read and wander the house.

February House: Brooklyn Bohemians by Sherill House
(Mariner/Houghton Mifflin, $13.95.) For a brief period during the early days of World War II, George Davis, a fiction editor who had been fired from Harper�s Bazaar, invited several brilliant, volatile artists to live in a rundown house in Brooklyn Heights. Tippins ably reconstructs this experiment in communal living � which included W. H. Auden, Carson Mc- Cullers, Jane and Paul Bowles, Benjamin Britten and Gypsy Rose Lee � and explores how differences among the residents generated friction as well as creative breakthroughs. (The house was later demolished to make way for the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway.)

music: Grizzly Bear "Yellow House"

3:38 p.m. - 2006-09-04


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