glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


climbing Tombstone Hill

climbing Tombstone Hill

It is 5:19 PM early Thursday evening and I am once again sitting at the computer writing down existence "climbing Tombstone Hill." Josiah is asleep on the living room couch. Carol is still sleeping and Beth is working. I got home from work the usual time 4:20 PM nothing came in the mail for me. I ate food and cleaned up. After cleaning up I wrote down my work hours in my January 2002 calendar and put away what I wrote in my paper diary at lunch break today. I then tried to talk to Joe but all he wanted to do is watch television. Joe had lunch today with our pastor and I wanted to know what they talked about? Our pastor rarely talks to me I am curious what he is into or what he said to Joe. All Joe would share with me is that the pastor said "music reflects the spirit of the age." I asked Joe to explain, but he would not open up so I said to myself this is going nowhere and went to take a shower. To me Christianity "reflects the spirit of the age." So here I sit tired from another work day. I am glad tomorrow is a Friday, the end of another work week. I am that much closer to the end is what I tell myself when I finish another work week. Someday it will be the last work day of my existence and I can stay home and wait for the End.

At work I had the same crap on my brain all day. Nothing worth writing down here.

Do not remember much about last night. I mainly sat and waited to go to bed. I am not able to do anything these days. I am empty of energy. It amazes me I am able to work when I feel totally empty of any energy. There is no life in me these days. I am tired.

I do not know what to do next? I already looked through the morning paper. I suppose I will close to sit and wait for time to go by.

5:05 p.m. - 2002-01-24


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