glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


beyond belief

It is 12:52 PM Saturday afternoon in the death flow. I am all of sudden falling asleep so I will close. I will try later to write something.

It is now 2:57 PM Saturday afternoon in the death flow. I dozed for awhile and woke myself up. I was so deep asleep I was dreaming sitting up. I feel like I have been drugged. Anyway I got myself a cup of coffee and will seek to write something since this is what I do each day I am dying.

I got up this morning around 6:30 AM. I got up made a pot of coffee and then messed with our main computer. Youtube for some unknown reasons deleted two of my recent videos and e-mailed me saying I could not post any videos for two weeks. If I get a third strike Youtube told me by e-mail they would delete my Booktube site. I have no clue why Youtube deleted two of my recent videos since I make the same kind of videos all the time. I just talk about the books I am reading or the recent used books I have bought from thrift stores. Since I do not know the reasons why Youtube started deleting my videos I think I will stop making book videos. It is scary not knowing what I did or said that would cause Youtube to target me. It is weird. Maybe in future videos I would not say anything/silence but just show books/old and new books.

This morning I did go back to the Friends of the Library Used Books Sale to help for awhile. It was slow at the used books sale so I left around 11 o'clock AM. On the way home I stopped at a local thrift store to look at their used books I found these two used books for our library-

'Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursion Among The Converted People' by V.S. Naipaul

'The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography Of V.S. Naipaul

When I got home I ate lunch and wrote in my paper diary. I felt absolutely drained so I dozed in the living room easy chair. Now I am attempting to record my existence. Nothing else to report. Last night like I wrote I made a video and then noticed Youtube deleted the video and another video. Youtube sent me e-mails telling me I was in deep shit and could not post any videos for two weeks. If I get a third strike in the next three months after the two weeks shut down they would delete my account. To me the best bet is not to make any more videos. I hate to lose all my videos for the last six years/ videos of our grandchildren etc. . .

Well I will close to feel like I am a zombie.

3:19 p.m. - 2018-07-21


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