glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


the final Christophany on earth at the end

It is 9:39 AM Wednesday morning in the flow of existence. The sun is shining outside this morning. I should go for a walk someplace in the Waste Land today. Carol took Rudy for a walk this morning when she got home from work. Last night I trimmed my beard so Carol was happy to see my face this morning without my big mountain man beard. My wife thinks I look ten years younger without my big beard. I know deep inside I will never be young again. I will someday be a grandpa.

I got up this morning around 6:14 AM. I got up and made a pot of coffee. I next messed with our main computer. I then wrote in my diary and then read my books.

This morning I had a fellow come by to measure our kitchen window. Yesterday I was shooting squirrels with my BB gun and shot a hole through our kitchen window by mistake. I knew the window fellow Jeff from when we were checking out the Orthodox Presbyterian Church here in town a number of years ago. Jeff is the worship leader at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. I showed Jeff my library and CD collection. People usually get blown away when they see my book collection. I was surprised to find out Jeff was into contemporary music.

Last night I watched television and went to bed around 11:35 PM. I read last night some more of the novel "Tropic of Cancer" by Henry Miller. This morning I read some more of the volume "The Indelible Image: The Theological and Ethical Thought World of the New Testament" Volume Two "The Collective Witness" by Ben Witherington III. I am still reading with much spiritual delight "On Contemplation" by Guigo De Ponte. I need to finish reading the book "Participatory Biblical Exegesis: A Theology of Biblical Interpretation" by Matthew Levering.

Well I suppose I will close to drift. I need to eat some food before going out into the world. These words of the apostle John come to my mind, "We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself and the wicked one does not touch him. We know we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen" 1 JN 5:18-21.

music: Peter Murphy "Ninth"

9:58 a.m. - 2012-03-28


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