glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


family get together

It is 5 o'clock PM Tuesday in the flow of existence. I have been reading this afternoon my library book on Susan Sontag. The kids have been relaxing. Carol just got up from a nap. It has been snowing for days.

Do not know what else to report. I am kind of out of it since I am not use to all this activity around me. I am tired, but I will go to bed early tonight.

Due to the bad winter weather Beth's boyfriend Andy could not drive here from GR to visit us. Maybe we will meet Andy this weekend?

Last night we all went out for dinner downtown Holland to celebrate Caleb and Emily's engagement. It was nice to finally meet Emily's mother Vickie.

I was blown out after the big dinner last night and went to bed around 10:30 PM. I got up this morning around 6:10 AM. When I got up Carol was in the living room singing hymns.

Caleb got up around 7 o'clock AM and soon Beth got up also. Do not know when Josiah got up? This morning Josiah, Beth, and I drove over to Barnes & Nobles so they could do last minute Christ Mass shopping. On the way home we stopped at the library and a local Party Store so Joe could get beer. I am not a beer drinker. I prefer a good bottle of dry red wine.

Not much else to report. I wrote several pages in my personal diary today. We have enjoyed having our kids home.

I just remembered today we watched a DVD movie Josiah checked out of the library today called "The 400 Blows" French film with subtitles. A Francois Truffaut film-French new wave.

At Barnes & Nobles I did not buy anything. They had no books by Susan Sontag. Josiah bought a book titled "Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals" by Michael Polland [In Defense Of Food]. Beth bought for Josiah for Christ Mass a book titled "The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Coverging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century" by James Howard Kunstler [Author of "The Geography of Nowhere"].

Beth bought gift cards at Barnes & Nobles for Christ Mass gifts.

At the library this morning Beth and Josiah checked out books, movies and CD's (I checked out CD's).

Well I suppose there is nothing else to report. We are having a huge family turkey dinner this evening. The Lord is good.

Caleb & Emily
Caleb & Emily

Carol & Emily's mother Vickie
Carol & Emily's mother Vickie

music: Oneida "Preteen Weaponry"

5:29 p.m. - 2008-12-23


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