glorycloud's Diaryland Diary


Monday Existence

here I sit on another Monday morning about to leave for work

It is a cold wet dark Monday morning-Fall is already here-just a few weeks ago I would wake up and see outside the sun shining-Now the sunshine is gone and all there is is morning cold darkness-so it a work day in my short existence-there is no escape from the duty of working-I like to do nothing but wait for death but we need money in America-plus there are book bills to be paid.

Last night instead of going to church we went to a piano recital of a friend of Caleb's-the recital was held in a local Reformed Church of America-Third Reformed Church-the church was very pretty-it was a nice time listening to classical piano music-a small group of friends listened to the rectal-during the reception someone noticed the book I was carrying (I always carry a book with me-security blanket in a hostile world)-this fellow was Japanese-he asked the oldier fellow with him if I was a seminary student? The oldier fellow with this Japanese fellow was the past president of Western Theological Seminary located here in Holland-Dr. H. also had been a professor of Theology at the seminary and a missionary in Japan-In the past Dr. H. and I had exchanged words. I was told by Dr.H. that the Japanese fellow was a visiting pastor from Japan-they were there at the recital so the Japanese minister could have a taste of American life-I told the Japanese pastor I was not a seminary student but a common laborer in a Egg Processing plant-I love Pauline Theology and wish I was a Professor of New Testament Theology but as fate would have it I am rotting at the bottom of a dirty egg pit waiting for death-we had a nice little chat-Dr.H. invited me to his church which was Third Reformed-he said the Professor of NT at Western was a member of this church and most likely would enjoy talking to me-getting to know me-more was said during the conversation but I have to go to work-I feel trapped but one must submit to the will of God-life is soon over and then heaven-well time to go out into the dead world to work among the living dead.

we live in silent harmony

I am home from work-it was a typical Monday at work-the time went by slowly-my job is boring and monotonous-but the Lord got me to quiting time-I had nothing new on my mind at work-same old junk was on my mind as I stood all day feeding eggs into the egg processing machine-came home-got home the usual time 4:18 p.m.-nothing came in the mail for me-I cleaned up-ate a hog dog-put on the new Teenage Fan Club CD-came to the computer to check for e-mail and read the news-my wife is cooking dinner-Joe and Beth are working-Caleb Jon is down in the basement on the other computer-so existence goes by-a nice late summer evening.

I did have some more thoughts about my rap with the retired seminary president Dr. Hesselink (I have a book by Dr.Hesselink titled "On Being Reformed:Distinctive Characteristics and Common Misunderstandings")-I tend to tell people my whole life story when I talk to someone new-I do not know why I do this? Who wants to know my whole life story anyway? I am a very boring guy that has had not a grand life-I have lived a very simply boring life as a Christian-but for some weird reason I tell people my whole life-I tell people first off I never met my father so I do not know my Past the Keen clan-then I tell the person for most of my Christian life I was involved in somekind of Christian work-till around 1990 when all the doors closed for ministry-we moved to Holland to raise our three children-settle down and live normal middle class lives-even though I am not a full time teaching elder I still study and read as if I was a teaching elder-I told Dr.Hesselink and his Japanese minister friend that my hobby is to build a library that of a Professor of New Testament in a small conservative Reformed Seminary-I love Pauline Theology at this stage of my spiritual journey-maybe down the road I will be into something else spiritually?

I doubt if I will change churches-the reason being I hate changes-I am a creature of habit-I do not like changing my routines-I like sameness-it is more comfortable going to the same church year after year-also there is no perfect church-I would be fooling myself if I thought there was a perfect church-at our church no one bothers me- we live in silent harmony.

Well it is time to go eat dinner-I need to rest-work was a slow kill today.

5:32 p.m. - 2001-08-20


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